
How can Mc Cain get Americans to back Bush's tax polices when 75% of americans feeling we are off track?

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How can Mc Cain get Americans to back Bush's tax polices when 75% of americans feeling we are off track?




  1. IF the Bush tax cuts didn't favor the RICHEST 1% of all Americans, while sticking the other 99% of Americans with the bill, those tax cuts would probably be a lot easier to sell to the American people.

    Imagine if the US was made up of 100 people and $100 was all the wealth in the country. This is how that wealth would be divided.

    1 person would get $34.30

    4 people would get $6.15 each

    5 people would get $2.46 each

    10 people would get $1.34 each

    20 people would get $0.56 each

    20 people would get $0.19 each

    40 people would get less than $0.01 each

    Bush and now John McCain would cut taxes for the ONE person with $34.30 and the rest of us would get stuck with the bill.

  2. Because, if you crunch the numbers instead of simply swallowing the leftist bellyaching, McCain's proposal cuts taxes for everyone across the board (as in, everyon'es taxes go down).

    Obama, the one who can do no wrong, has a plan which will lower taxes by a slight bit more for the lowest 30%, is about the same for the middle 40%, then completely buggers the upper 30%.

  3. I do not see why people find it hard thing to believe that they can spend their own money wiser than our Federal Government.

  4. America is off track on many issues simply because of all of the cocky no it all Liberals in Washington! I have never seen so many ignorant people that ***** about the federal Government giving them a stimulus check to help them in these hard times! The Democrats balked about doing it in the first place,and now they have all decided to try and push an even larger stimulus package through the House and Senate to try and make Bush look worse in the eyes of Blind Americans! Do you the American voter want to see the United States completely off the track,then vote for Barrack Husein Obama,the biggest Liberal ever to grace Washington!

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