
How can McCain become president if he was born in a different country?

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the constitution says that the president must be born in the united sates




  1. Good question. He is a Naturalized US Citizen because he was born on a US military instalation.

  2. McCain was born of US parents.  The Constitution says that one must be a native-born American (as opposed to a citizen by naturalization), which McCain is.

  3. he was born on a military base part of the US. you can be born half way across the World but if you were born on a US military base you are considered A US citizen

  4. Don't be so ignorant, read your (his) history.

  5. same way that two illegals can sneak over the fench and squirt out an american citizen.  If you parents are both americans you are an american unless you chose not to be.


  6. he can't  

  7. Michigan governor come from Canada.  

  8. Geeze how lame. McCain was born on an American Military installation to two American parents. He meets any constitutional requirement to run for president.

  9. Panama Canal zone was a part of United States at the time when he was born there.

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