
How can McCain draw Social Security when he still works and earns over $400,000 a yr?

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I just read an article that says his Social Security is being paid, yet he works. How is this possible? I know HUNDREDS of ppl who can not work more than a certain amount of hours at minimum wage or their social security is cut. What makes him so special?




  1. The news is right here on Yahoo!  McCain gets social security, and we can probably trust him when he says it.

    In part, McCain himself says: "I'm receiving the benefits, the system is broken and, unfortunately, my children and grandchildren, according to the trustees of the Social Security system, will not have the same benefits the present retirees have."

    The article mentions: "McCain, who will turn 72 next month, was eligible to receive full-retirement benefits when he turned 65. In 2008, the maximum benefit for a person retiring at full retirement age was $2,185.

    McCain reported a total income of $405,409 in 2007. As a senator, he is paid $169,300 a year. Last year, he donated $105,467 to charity, his return shows."

    So, because he paid a lot into it, he gets a lot out of it, and he's probably making significantly less money now than he made back when he started paying in.  The people who know probably have always had low-wage jobs, and so they can't make very much money in order to get a lot of money in return.  It also helps when you "donate" over $100,000 to charity, since that's no longer within your earnings.

    He's 65, he's rich, and he gets social security.  Any more questions?

  2. He does? Wow i want him for my sugar daddy

  3. He is over full retirement age - which for him was 65.  - When you reach full retirement age, benefits are not cut if you work.

  4. That's why John McCain has the most expensive house out of Obama and Clinton. Him and his crew dunno what it means to be an American struggling in America. They just know how to take, take, and take!!!

  5. I don't know but it's bull c**p.  Just like guys like Bill Cosby drawing from it.  They are robbing my grandparents and possibly my parents and I in the future.

  6. Believe everything you read then drink the kool aid. If in fact he is collecting SS, which I doubt,  SS is limited to the persons maximum, reduced by wages earned. Go to  the SS web site.

  7. I sincerely doubt that any Senator is receiving our meager Social Security when they can receive their special Congress Social Security after serving only one term.

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