
How can McCain support minimum wage when he voted against it 19 times?

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"Ironically, one of the only times McCain actually did support a minimum wage increase was when it was tied to a war funding bill. But on at least 15 occasions, McCain has opposed minimum wage increases that were stand-alone amendments or bills. On April 7, 2000, he even voted against a non-binding “sense of the Senate” resolution “concerning an increase in the Federal minimum wage.”

McCain’s assertion that he supports a “living wage” for all Americans is even more questionable, considering his 19 votes against the minimum wage. After all, a living wage is usually even higher than the minimum wage."




  1. There's more to it. How many businesses (small business is the backbone of America) will go out of business at the same time, or be put in a greater hardship affecting number of employees, benefits, and consumer prices - especially in economic hard times? More to it...

  2. Voting against a particular issue is invalid.  It's not possible to vote just against any one point because all issues are bundled together with other bills.   And I agree with those who understand minimum wage to be entry level, training positions.  People who want more than minimum wage income need to provide the employer with a skill, not the other way around.  Get some training, education, experience and actually deserve more than a minimum regardless of where that begins.

  3. pay should be based on free market not politicians, why don't politicians cap occupations like pro sports players and give that money to poor people

  4. Rising the minimal wage will just lead to extra inflation. Short term, you'll have a little extra money. Long term, people with savings account will feel the brunt of it. Anybody saving for their retirement will be hit hard by a slight raise in the minimal wage. Also, in the long term you'll just pay 7 dollars for your meal instead of 5. It balances out to the same.

    But I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that.

  5. Let's hope not, the minimum wage kills jobs. It is price controls in reverse.

    Good old wise government is here to help.  They just raised the minimum wage.  

    The old rate of $5.85 ( 7/24/2007) has been raised by 70 cents to $6.55 ( 7/24/2008)

    (rates from

    What will that do?  Let’s say I have a hamburger stand and I have 10 employees that each work 8 hours a day. Government now says I have to pay them 70 cen s more per hour.

    $5.85 x 8 hours = $46.80   x 10 people = $468.00 per day

    $6.55 x 8 hours = $52.40   x 10 people  = $524.00 per day

    That is $56.00 per day more out of my pocket, or higher prices I have to charge my customers, OR…..What if I fire one employee?

    $6.55 x 8 hours = 52.40   x 9 people  =   $ 471.60  per day,  only $3.60 more. I can make that up with less pickles and lower quality meat, or less French fries per order.

    SO, my customer gets less, one person loses a job, and government gets less taxes and has to pay welfare.   Now multiply that by 10,000 hamburger stands around the country. That's 10,000 more people out of work and on welfare and 10,000 locations serving less quality food.

    Good Job Democrats!

    Now what if we dropped the minimum wage by $1.00 ??

    $4.85   x 8 hours x 12 people = $465.60 per day.  That’s $2.40 less for 2 more people.  Wow, 2 more people off welfare, paying taxes and learning some kind of experience to carry forward.  I suppose that kind of logic won’t buy Democrat votes huh?

  6. Maybe because McCain believes minimum wages should be set by the states.

    $9.00/hour in NY will buy you a one-way subway ride

    $7:00 /hour in Odessa , texas will buy you a steak dinner.

    So I agree with McCain, states should set minimum wages that provide a living wage based on the cost of living in those states.

    and you prefer a national standard that would make someone in NY suffer?

  7. Minimum wage is for an entry position not for living wage.

  8. McCain is now taking home-run swings but missing badly.

  9. Executive salaries are not based on the free-market.  They are based on old-boy principles.

    I don't want to compete with Sen. Obama's brother who lives on $1.32 (before taxes) a day!

  10. They just say what they need to to get into office,

    then they go back to whatever they were doing before....

  11. He supports a true minimum wage. One like in the third world countries he likes to deal with.

  12. People can't live on minimum wage...and they're NOT SUPPOSED TO

    Minimum wage is for kids, not people raising families...Kids don't need raises, and adults who are making minimum wage need to get a REAL job

    Neither me nor my husband have EVER made minimum wage...We all have a choice where we work, ya know.

    Raising minimum wage is unnecessary and it hurts the economy.

  13. Minimum wage is a joke.  Nobody with any sense should be trying to live on minimum wage.

  14. supporting minimum wage increases is for losers

  15. thank you.  that is a valid, non-stupid, question regarding mccain.

    it is something those who are voting for mccain (which is different from mccain supporters) will have to deal with.  I dont like mccain, but I am left with no other choice (for me at least).

  16. He'll say anything to get elected. he doesn't even know that those who make 4 million aren't middle class.

  17. Paul Harvey the great American Newscaster always had a by-line

    (Now for the rest of the Story). I know you just happened to not add

    the fact that McCain didn't vote for the Bills. Simply because they

    were loaded with useless wasted spending. As all the Dem Bills are.

    He has asked repeatedly for your leader of the Senate to bring just

    the Minimum wage to the floor for a up and down vote. And guess

    who doesn't have the stones to do it. You got it Harry Reid. So please

    don't embarass yourself. Look into the whole story not just the part

    that fits your innuendo.

  18. All raising the minimum wage does is make my salary worth even less. Because I dont get a raise just because minimum wage went up.  But you better believe the cost of goods and services go up.  If you work a job long enough, and do a decent job you wont make minimum wage for long.

  19. Bigger picture friend -- bigger picture.  The Feds have no business in this. While you cannot deny that the minimum wage workers (which is only around 12% of the entire population) need the money, they have education and training opportunities.  What happens here is the businesses which have to pay the higher min. wages are forced to cut back, lay off or close.all together. Other larger businesses leave and go overseas and the larger part our economy gets hurt in the process.  They should get better training and or a better education and get themselves out of that "minimum wage" status.....I know itcan be done, I did it my self starting with 10 dollars in my pocket.

  20. Increasing minimum wage increases automatically the wages for union workers who are already overpaid. Teenagers working part-time jobs are mostly the ones who work at minimum wage. Minimum wage increases causes job lose because just so much can go to payroll.

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