
How can Obama cut taxes on 95% of Americans?

by Guest56392  |  earlier

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When only 68% pay any taxes to start with? Are we going to send checks out to even more tax eaters every year?




  1. That would be a yes. This is called income redistribution. This is the mantra of the left. Punish achievement, reward irresponsibility.  

  2. Uhhhhh he said it was going to raise taxes, not cut them.

  3. He wont just letting the Bush tax cuts expire will raise them for just about everyone.

  4. He has proposed 1 trillion dollars worth of new spending and wants to cut taxes?  He will say whatever it takes to become president.

  5. Easy the top one percent in our nation has more money and pay less taxes than more that 150 million working class Americans.

  6. The other 27% are those in the extra 7 states he was talking about when he said he's visited 57 states.

  7. Getting out of Irak sure would help a great deal. 40 Million Dollars a day can do wonders for all of us.

    I want my money back. I never supported this conflict.

    Hussein's head sure has been expensive.  And I want our troops to come home ASAP.


  8. The have already BEEN cut for most people.

    Bush's tax cuts don't run out until 2010

    He wasn't to remove tax loop holes on the top 5%

  9. The people that don't pay taxes still get tax cuts.  Cut $0 by 20% and you get $0.  Technically, there taxes are still cut.  However, I think Obama is talking about cutting taxes after letting Bushes tax cuts expire, so most people will probably see an increase in their taxes.

  10. He can't.  All lies to get into office.

  11. He didn't say 95% of Americans. He said 95% of the working class, which are those who earn less than $250,000.

  12. How can you cut taxes for those who don't pay it??

    Use your brain.

    Cutting taxes for those who pay....  So he CAN do it......  Actually can't but can tell the democratic congress to.

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