
How can Obama supporters honestly believe that he is "in touch" with the common people?

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How typical of southside Chicagoans, are the Obamas ?




  1. the electorate has prooven themselves to be very gullable. they see and believe what they want to believe. this goes equally on both sides of the aisle.

  2. Obama is in touch with the anti-American Communist bombers, mobsters, Black racists, nut-job preachers, and militant Muslims that make up South Chicago.

    Palin is the only one of the whole bunch who is actually part of 'the real people'!

  3. Compared to McCain yes most definitely.  

  4. Let's look at how typical John McCain is:

    - Went to Private Boarding Schools

    - Entered the Academy as a Legacy, While attending refused to take it seriously by getting into trouble, breaking laws and generally failing the academics. He did not care because he knew his Daddy would bail him out.

    - Dumped first wife after she was disfigured in a car accident for young rich socialite that would help him in his career.

    -Owns 7+ homes and a private jet.

    -Thinks middle class is those making less than $1.5 million. his top advisor called America a "Nation of Whiners"

    -McCain thinks $4.00 gas is good, not bad. He thinks rising food prices are to be expected, not discouraged. He thinks giving the Iraqis free health care and denying it to Americans is good foreign policy, not bad domestic policy.

  5. How?

    by using the brain to "listen" to what is said

    and not blindly let their buttons be pushed

    by "yada yada, POW, yada yada" about a privileged

    kid who never made the ranks of his father and grandfather

  6. Because he's been there, done that. McBush and Failin don't know what common people go through.

  7. Because they are firmly grounded in reality unlike the Republicans who only cater to the wealthy.

  8. he was a community organizer, right with the common people

  9. He is. He's more open to regular people than the Republicans are. He has been great at community organizing. Look at how far he has come. He talks about the things that matter to us. He is very intelligent and smart.  

  10. They are not typical in the heights to which they have scaled, professionally, financially, and educationally, but they did come from those poorer neighborhoods, and they are exemplary for such people.  

    Sort of like the majority of Brits like having royalty, even though the royals are totally out of touch.

  11. He was a community organizer.  He lived and worked among the poor in one of Chicago's worst urban areas.  He knows what the poor and oppressed are feeling.  Get a life!

  12. Well, he doesn't call us "common people," for one thing.  

    Yeah, I believe someone that has worked for everything they had and worked in communities is in touch.  Someone who struggled to pay off student loans and only owns one home is in touch.

    How can you believe McCain is in touch?  He grew up as a Navy brat, wasn't even in this country half the time, was a POW in Vietnam (where he learned many lessons and has my respect, but that didn't exactly put him "in touch" with the American people), came back, married some rich heiress, has never had to struggle to pay a bill, owns 7...8...9 houses.  Yeah, he knows what my life is like.

  13. He worked for 3 years helping laid-off steelworkers, when he could have gone to a high-priced Wall Street law firm.

    Other than his POW experience of 35 years ago, McCain has lived a life of privilege, and ditched his first wife to marry an heiress and live in 7 houses.

    How you can challenge Obama's credentials on this and ignore McCain's opulent lifestyle is beyond belief.

  14. blind faith of the tree hugging smelly hippie freaks.

  15. Cause he has made it his mission to help the under previledged for so many years.

    He is for the poor and defranchisedd.

    You should ask Cindy McCain how much her outfit cost and how many meals it can buy for the homeless.


  16. That's what he told them to think, and they have no minds of their own and believe all his drivel!!

  17. That's just the "storyline" that David Axelrod wrote and gave to the media when they began to market Obama.

    he has used the same thing before for other campaigns that he has run and they test marketed it on The West Wing with the Jimmy Smits character.

    How gullible are you????

    The only real middle class authentic person in this race is Sarah Palin.

    The Democrats, Team Obama, and the Obamedia KNOW it.

    That's why PANIC has set in.

    Chris Matthews of MSNBC said it best.

    he described Palin as a TORPEDO right at the heart of the Obama campaign.

    Nothing to do with Hillary Clinton or women.

    Aimed at the middle class. At the battleground states.

    Sarah Palin is Everyman, Everywoman.

    Sarah is US. All of US.

    When Obama, the Democrats and media trash her, they trash US.

  18. Well, they just finished paying off their student loans three years ago.  They have a mortgage.  They have two, young children to raise.

    Seems to me they're more in touch than you are.

    Edit:  Edith:  That's this past year, the first year on his book royalties.  Before that they were living off their combined paychecks, and just finished their college loans.  They've been "average" alot longer than McCain even remembers.

  19. because he is so pretty and he talks so nice and his suppporters are so blinded by the visions of sugar plum fairies dancing around his head.

  20. Of course cause everyone knows rich white men know what colored people growing up in large cities experienced.  I'm sure Obama knows what its like to be turned down from something he's qualified for because of other people's racism.

  21. Apparently they think that the common person is a racist.

  22. Yes, they grew up dirt poor - Obama in particular.  I mean, do you know how BAD he had it?  He grew up in a condo in Honolulu, attended a very prestigious private school there and had to work scooping ice cream at Baskin-Robbins.  You have NO IDEA how bad he had it!!!

    Yes, he was a community organizer.  That is certainly a noble thing.  But it doesn't qualify you to be president.  Palin was not putting down community organizers.  She was putting down the fact that this is what Obama hangs his hat on in terms of experience.  It's like Palin saying that the only thing that qualifies her to be VP is being a hockey mom.  Nothing wrong with being a hockey mom but that alone doesn't qualify you to be president either.  Fortunately, Palin also has experience as a Mayor and Governor...which Obama does not.

  23. He;s alot ore in touch than McCain. Palin criticised Obama's work as a community organizer and alot of people who work as community organizers and there are alot of them took it as a insult.

  24. I have no idea.  They are not Southside, please.  They live in one of the nicest areas on the Southside.  Maybe they grew up dirt poor, but they haven't been dirt poor for a VERY long time.

    I doubt they know anything about "middle-class".

  25. Actually in the community where they live, Hyde Park, they are rather typical. Hyde Park is a college community next to the University of Chicago campus. It is mostly populated with professors, doctors and community leaders. Both Barack and Michelle Obama come from regular working parents, and the fact that they worked hard to educate themselves and get where they are is something that anyone that has done the same can relate to. My parents worked hard to provide for me and send me and my siblings to school, the fact that I am successful affirms my parents hard work and influence. The fact that the Obama's are succesful affirms that their parents did something right as well. I can total relate to that and I am in no way in the same financial bracket as they are, but I can respect them for working hard to get there.

    As far as the "Community Organizer" bashes go, who do you think comes in to clean up and help after a hurricane, or a massive flood? Who do you think comes in to help when a plant or factory closes and the community that remains has lost the bulk of it's jobs? Who comes in to assist in poverty stricken neighborhoods, run after school programs, and homeless shelters? Who comes in to assist rebuilding when say terrorists attack and wreak havoc on a major metropolitan city? Community Organizers and Volunteers that's who. Sarah Palin better pray every day that no major disaster occurs in Alaska because I don't think any community organizers will be lining up to help her out.

    This just in...Vanity Fair editors estimated that Cindy McCain's fierce saffron shirt dress with the popped collar, diamond earrings, four-strand pearl necklace, white Chanel watch and strappy shoes totaled up to $313, that is in touch with people! How many $300,000 outfits do you own?

  26. I have no clue how any one can think the Obamas are "in touch" with real people.  They seem to be trying to stay as far away as possible from what I see.  Ok, If McCain is far away from the people how come he works with them all the time? Obama is a complete fool! How much does his wife's dress cost?  And McCain has 7 kids, one of them in high school who he adopted from a far away country and Palin has 5 kids! One of them was born this year.  Obama has done nothing. My parents went to collage in Chicago when Obama was "working" there and they were in his area they never heard of him ever. they never saw anyone doing anything.  Obama is a American hating racist fool.

  27. is the better question:

    How can "Mr...I believe I have 7 houses" honestly believe that HE is "in touch" with the common people.

  28. I never knew that "rags to riches" meant you were out of touch.  Not to mention all those years working in community development projects.  What an elitist.  He also didn't always live in a nice house, read up on his early years in Indonesia.

  29. Because Obama's rhetoric speaks to them.  He will change his tune in every town and every crowd if he needs to.

    But Obama is actually not that common ... Obama and his wife had an estimated income of 1.2 million dollars from 2000 -2004.  And he only gave 1% to the charity and that was to Trinity Church (Where Wright preaches) -- if you want to call that charity.

    But wait Rev. Wright is in a 1.6 million 10,340 square foot home himself with a 4 car garage and backs up to a golf course. Compliments of Trinity Church. So, I guess Wright has problems with the rich and the greed of the rich white man.

    Obama is not in touch with the common people.

  30. His definition of "common people" are blacks. Period.  

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