
How can Palin have it both ways?

by Guest65600  |  earlier

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She wants us to see her as a tough Gov. with all kinds of responsibilities, then she wants us to see her as just another hockey mom. If she's so busy as a politician, when does she have time for hockey games. To my knowledge, mayors and governors don't take the season off so they can drive the kids to hockey.




  1. How did any president or vice president do it?

    Are you saying that because she has "indoor plumbing' instead of "outdoor plumbing" she should be held to a different standard???

  2. the left winged press was whining that if they are to leave her family alone, she shouldn't be showing her kids off in photo opps...

    what another line of bull from the left winged press which obviously seems to fit with your view... any parent would want their children to not get picked apart un necessarily all the while being proud of them, the press is getting dumb and dumberer

    i have a busy career and i find the time for my kids, when i can't, my wife does.  is she single?  no, use your head a bit more creatively... are you obama's speech writer or something?

  3. She's like a normal working mom.  That's what she's saying.

  4. So she is supposed to stay home and bake cookies cause she's the "mom"?  Last time I checked, Obama had kids too.  Why not give him sh*t too???

  5. Yes, this is an interesting hypcoritical strategy from many angles.

  6. She like it both ways..

    For example...

    Her family is off-limits and private.

    Yet, she parades her family around during the RNC, plus she parades around the sperm-donor* to Bristol's baby.  On top of of that she uses them in her speech and her baby boy Trigg too.  

    What happened to decency and privacy?

    Note * This is a phrase used by Dr Laura who is a conservative self-help radio talk show host.

  7. She can do both. i do think that she is sort of playing up the hockey mom image a little too much, she was probably a hockey mom while her son, Track was younger and played the sport; he is now going to Iraq, so she really isn't a hockey mom anymore. She is basically trying to look relatable. Since her oldest is going off to Iraq, and her oldest daughter is getting married, she really only has three kids at home to raise, so the argument that she can't raise three children (with the help of a loving husband) and be vice president at the same time just isn't viable.

  8. She will not have time to be VP, another reason I do not understand why McGenius selected her for his running mate.

  9. I think it takes a whole lot of nerve for liberals to question Sarah Palin's ability to be VP and also be a good mom.  Democrats and feminist have been screaming and pushing for moms to be able to "have it all" for a long time, and now that there is a woman who is in that position they don't like it.  That is hypocrisy to the fullest extent.  The ONLY reason the liberals are arguing this point is because she's not on their side.  If she were a democrat y'all would be praising her every step of the way.  All this shows is that the Obama camp is worried sick that she is going to ruin  his chances for the White House.  The Republicans did what he didn't have the guts to do.

  10. Unless you are a Bush supporter who is busy going on vacation and TRYING TO Read a Kindergarden book about a Goat when your country is attacked!!!

  11. she's not too sure which image she wants to sell us.

    whatever she's selling/advertising, i'm not buying it.

    obaden 08

  12. Male presidents are involved in their children's lives, too believe it or not.  You don't stop being a parent once you are elected to public office.  I don't see this as a major issue.

  13. She is capable of being both a tough *** Gov and a hockey mom. She is the most down to earth politician I have seen.  She seems like an everyday person you could meet on the street and stick up a conversation with unlike most politicians that have their nose in the air seeing they all seem to think that puts them higher on the totem pole than everyone else.  She came out and said her 17 year old daughter is pregnant and her husband had a DUI 20 years ago.  How many other politicians would have either lied about it or covered it up?  Hidden their child away?  


  14. She's amazing.  The smears are getting weaker and weaker.

    It's kind of silly actually.  

  15. She's a phony

  16. she had 5 kids, so it's probably big enough to have it both ways

  17. Bill Clinton managed to find time for extracurricular activities as governor of Arkansas.  

  18. As you could see her kids watch her kids.  They passed that baby around so much last night.  I hope they didn't damage the child's ears.  Why have an infant sit through all of that noise.

  19. It's 2008 - women and men get it both ways nowadays.  

  20. I agree!  It's not that I think a woman's place is in the home, but look at her life she has a down syndrome baby and teen age daughter who is pregnant. For the family sake is this really the best decisions for the family. Than she be running around campaigning when her family clearly needs her with them right now.

  21. Whaaat!- surly you can come up with a more intelligent question than this

  22. She is only there for show.  So don't worry.

    She's about as fake as a 3-dollar bill.

  23. I'm sure she made it to some games.

  24. I am sure she has time to do both. What I have a problem is the image that they came out with of this family that is so perfect and this women who has five kids. When she was first announced as the VP candidate they used governor of alaska, mother of 5. If you are going to use the fact that she is a mother to try to win votes then that means her kids are fair game. Yes Obama does have 2 kids but he doesn't use his children as a political strategy. Its okay to show your family and have them with you just don't use them to try to win an election and then people would not ask questions about your children.  

  25. Her son was out of high school before she came governor. I'm pretty sure her daughters don't play hockey.


  26. Maybe her husband takes them and picks them up for practice and she just goes to the games.  Lots of working fathers have time for their kids' games, so i don't see why she didn't have time.

  27. I could think of a number of ways to give it to her 'both ways.'

  28. She also wants the media to focus on her child...the one who is going off to war.  But she wants the media to leave her child alone...the one who is an unwed, pregnant, teen.

    You can't have it both ways, Palin.

  29. Feeling desperate much?  How was old man Biden able to do it as SINGLE father after his wife died?  Anyone asking that?

  30. Ditto

  31. Things are different in Alaska.  Yes, of  course they are busy, mayor in Alaska however is often NOT a full time job as in a city like NY or LA.  

    Many smaller towns have mayors or city managers who have at least part time day jobs.  People who live in huge population centers often forget this.

    And yes, even Governor get bits of time off, maybe not enough to run the kids to soccer every practice, but even the Conservative hero Ronnie Reagan made it to a few of his children;s games.  He might not have been able to pick his kids out of a crowd, he really did have problems recognizing his children, but he sure knew what showing up at a game would do for his ratings.  

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