
How can Palin say that Obama wants to forfeit Iraq, when Bush just capitulated to a timetable for withdrawl?

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Based on the demands of the democratically elected Iraqi government, who seems to agree with Obama that it is time to go.




  1. Nobody forces this president to do anything he doesn't want to do.

  2. Because when Obama wanted to leave the Iraqi government wasn't capable of taking over. Now that the surge has been effective they are capable of more responsibility.

    Like it or not, we are pulling out on Bush's terms, not Obama's.

    And as a member of the military I am appalled that you democrats are trying to take credit for this.


    Fantasy... good freaking comeback on that one. Last I check Bush is still commander and chief, not Obama. Any decision made to pull troops out have been made by the president. Obama has ZERO say. The goal was to return control of Iraq to its elected government when they were capable of taking over. How is that not whats happening right now?

    The only fantasy here is that Obama had anything at all to do with any decision regarding Iraq. Puff Puff pass btw.

    The U.N. never gave us permission to go to war. The U.N. doesn't dictate when we stop or start a war, Congress does. Maybe try and provide a source for this U.N. timeline next time.

  3. Obama has wanted to turn security over to the Iraqis and pull out for a while now. But the Republicans know it's time to go too. It's basically a cheep shot. They don't want America remembering that it's their fault we're in Iraq and that they've racked up a huge amount debt. What's more, they're against generating revenue to pay for that war debt, so it'll just be passed on until the foreign owners of that debt pull our card. It's a security issue they don't want to address.

  4. He voted for defunding the troops.He voted against the surge. He voted to force the president to withdraw the troops.

  5. yes the first 2 answers and no he did not agree to anything and he has always said that when Iraq was ready we would leave

  6. she was talking about before bush did that all he wants to do is give up. He would hurt our country if he became president we need a strong leader someone who cares about this country like mccain not obama

  7. It's the people who decide

  8. Senator Obama said we should withdraw before the surge and that the surge wouldn't work.  Senator Biden said that the only solution was to divide Iraq into three states, which would actually further destabilize the region.  James Baker, Brent Scowcroft, and others said the surge wouldn't work.

    One man said it would.  I address him as Senator McCain.

    The situation has changed so dramatically because President Bush listened to Senator McCain.  If we had done this when first suggested, you could wave goodbye to any real idea of American Military expertise.  Senator McCain stood firm in his resolve, and now we can talk of leaving with honor AND leave Iraq intact.

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