A couple of days ago my router broke so i could only get internet access in my brothers room, so i took my computer in and proceeded. Now today my mom and her boyfriend bought a new router and hooked it up downstairs, it was originally upstairs. Then they asked my brother what he was doing on the computer at 10:54pm last night or something like that. When he wasn't home at that time but i was. So Somehow they knew someone used the internet from his room at that exact time without looking at my brothers or my computer. Also today my brother was asking them for the password so he could go on the internet. But when i went on it there was no password required. I asked him what the whole password thing is about but he said that if he told me he would get in a lot of trouble. So now I'm asking you people. What could my mom and her boyfriend be doing or using that lets them know from where and when someone goes on the internet, also possibly what sites they visit, that probably requires a password and is kept hidden.