
How can Red Bull energy drinks be bad for you?

by  |  earlier

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I drank three throughout the day today. I've never drank them before and they made me feel really good. I was so happy and focused. It was the best I've felt in a while. Why should I not make this a habit?




  1. I say...everything in moderation.  If you drink or eat too much of anything that great feeling will go away because you are "used to it".  So don't drink them every day.  Drink then only when you REALLY need energy.  Anything can be bad for you if you have too much of it.  For example, water is good for everyone, but if you drink too much of it in one day you can get very sick.  Just limit yourself and you will be fine:)

  2. oh. that will be your next health problem if you still drinking those

    energy drink.

             personally i drinked 4 bottles in a week and i was almost die.

         stop drinking any energy drink.

               try coffee but occassionaly

  3. Caffeine occurs naturally in some plants.  It is a pesticide, and therefore technically it is a poison.  Large amounts of it will combat fatigue, but taken over time it can become habit forming.  It can cause irritability, nervousness, and heart palpitations.  Caffeine also stimulates the production of stomach acid, which can cause heartburn and ulcers.

  4. I Used to drink them daily, but then one day after not getting enough sleep i drank about 6 or 7 while i was at work i felt my heartbeat increase and it felt like it was going to bust out of my chest, my hands got shakey and i got dizzy and light headed, i havent had another one since then.

  5. Youll become dependent on them and to many energy drinks will mess up your health a lot can affect your kidneys you should only drink 1 a day at most.

  6. youll become dependant on them, and your body will think that you need them to focus and be energized and unless you dont have one...your body will fell like p**p

  7. make it your habbit !

    energy drink are the best .

    caffine / taurine .        Rockstar , red bull , boost , red X , there all wickid , they make your heart beat fast and your happy assssss, plus they taste really nice!!  ( i recoment rockstar :P )

    soooo much caffineeee EEEEEEEEEK!

    i drink like 4 bottles a day and i go out my head!

    take care . x

  8. eventually ur going to need them just to get to normal

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