
How can Republicans say Palin has more experience than Obama just because she has executive experience? ?

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Neither does McCain or Biden. On that logic, doesn't that make her more experienced than any of them?

And how can you account 1.5 years ( with a quarter of that on Maternity leave) as true experience? It takes that long to just to get to learn all the ropes.




  1. She has held elected public office for 13 years - more than twice the time obama has been in office. She has double the experience he does.

  2. Being a Governor provided Palin with executive experience.  In other words - she had to make tough decisions quickly.

    As a junior Senator, Obama voted "present" on over 90% of the bills.  In other words, he couldn't decide - or wouldn't.

    She has an exceptional record when you take a long look.  She participated in everything from sports (she still runs) to local government.  She is the mother of 5 kids and at the same time juggled serving as President of the PTA, mayor and Governor.

    Then we have Obama who has said that the hardest job he ever had was working at the Baskin Robbins.  He said he still can't eat ice cream.

    Palin has worked her f***y off for everything she has and she has maintained her principles and integrity.

    Obama has not.  Take a look at his experiences.  He lived in a condo in Hawaii and attended a prestigious private school.  And look at his associations.  Not good.

    Obama complained that people must not criticize his wife or kids.  Now look at what they're doing to Palin.  No worries.  She can handle it readily but it is obviously both unfair and unjustified.

  3. These Republicans don't think so.....

    Hot mic catches GOP strategists trashing Palin pick.

    I'm guessing they know what most people are thinking, she has NO business being VP and a heart beat away from being president.

  4. Before she was Governor she was a mayor in case you don't know being a mayor is a smaller version of being a Governor & being a govener is being a smaller version of being President so in those terms Yes she does have more RELEVENT experience.


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