
How can Social Workers kidnap a child with a 1day hearing??

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i don't understand how something as tragic & life changing as this can happen...Surely, there must have been some kind of evidence against the parenst for them to lose 3 children??




  1. Social Workers don't "kidnap" children Faith - they remove them, they need a Court Order and therefore evidence to do so - they can't do anything without a judges say so.

    As the first answerer pointed out, its the daily mail, sorry but I won't even click on the link, the day that paper prints the truth will be the day the Queen mother rises from the dead for a special appearance at the Palace.  

  2. I'd like to think there was a lot more to that than what they're saying.

    Although I do know people who have had a really bad time trying to deal with social services, and yes in my book it amounts to the same as kidnapping.

    There are those thankfully few parents who deserve to have their kids taken away from them because of their cruel and sickening behaviour, but as always there are decent honest people who have had to go through some real horror stories because social services has failed and made a mistake.

  3. Unfortunately there does not have to be much evidence against the parents to lose a child. The child protection services just have to twist everything to fit their needs. Technically it is not called kidnapping, although it has the same tragic features as one.

  4. Hi Faith,

    Well, yes, there must have been some sort of evidence, and the report says there was medical evidence. The matter was settled in court, so the department's solicitors must have presented that evidence, along with Doctor's and Hospital records and verbal evidence, as well as that of the Social Worker(s). The matter cannot have been heard and decided on the evidence of Social Workers alone.

    I have every sympathy for the parents if the evidence was flawed, and they are innocent of any wrong doing toward their children, but imagine the outcry had the Social Workers taken no action, the parents were in fact abusive, and 3 children had died.

    Social Workers are almost always extremely reluctant to separate children from their natural parents, but they have to be aware, more than any of us, that abuse does happen, and children are killed by their parents.

    It may seem harsh that these parents are having to wait for a Court of Appeal hearing, but although the article says the evidence that was presented has been discredited, the only way to truly demonstrate that is to have the evidence re-evaluated and re-tested in Courts of Law.

  5. This is a really sad case, I remember watching a documentary about it. They had to move country so SS couldn't take their new baby.

    If the medical evidence has now been discredited, why cant the other children be given back? Why should the parents have to go back to court to force social services to return the children?

    I don't think we know all the facts.

  6. They sure can

    I read a story in the UK how little children that refuse to eat spicy food are branded "racists" and could be taken away from their "abusive" parents for re educcation. Hold your kids close, the nanny state isn't all its cracked up be.

  7. It is a demonstration of the increasing power of the state. I would ask you to completely and utterly ignore the Mail bashers. It's simply their way of avoiding the truth. They bash the messenger instead. There are few things in life more traumatic for a child than to be removed from its parents.

  8. It's an article in the Daily FAIL. Of course there was more to the story than that.

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