
How can South Sydney best rebuild and become a competitive team in the NRL?

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How can South Sydney best rebuild and become a competitive team in the NRL?




  1. I think it all comes down to the coach. the team has been battling all year and they know how to put a decent fight

    but i do think they have forgotten how to win a game as they do seem to die out in the 60th min of most games. But as it is in soccer and AFL the coach gets scrutinised if the team fails  to win games and i think it applys in this instaince.

    so to answer your Q. they need jon lang or wayne bennet  to drop in for a year

  2. By winning some games.

  3. it takes a while for a team to rebuild up to the standard needed to be more competitive. i would think within a few years south sydney will be up there with the best.

  4. An AFL person myself, although I do follow Tigers and Storm. A merger would bring faster results than years of torment and wasted dollars. Once people get over the initial shock of a merger they will ultimately support a much stronger club with twice the membership too. It worked for Tigers. Change is constant. The ability to accept change can reap many rewards.

  5. well they need a halfback....a fullback.... hooker

    but they dont have anyone that wants 2 go 2 souths

  6. They can take a slab of Russell Crowe and Peter Holmes a Court's cash and buy some better players for a start.

  7. after all we are all just blood and bone, If it takes one man to claim a victory in the game of rugby league, then who is to say that one man, is not hiding amongst rabbitoh players, waiting to be discovered. for we are mere mortals, in a gladiators world!

  8. They can get rid of the team they have now. Possibly try and poach other players but it would not matter if Joey Johns was on their team they would still be the crappest team ever. and that is the god honest truth.

  9. quit. (dont tell my mum i said that)

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