
How can Stone Cold still have fans, yet Batista gets hated for his personal life?

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I know this is not really about wrestling, but....

I was thinking about this for a while, considering that Debra Marshall was on television during the Benoit tragedy and mentioned that Stone Cold was abusive to her.

So my question is simple:

-How can Stone Cold not get hate for this, yet Batista gets hate for the personal issues he admitted in his book?

BTW, I'm not a fan of Batista, either, but that's for different reasons.




  1. i no where your coming from and for the record i respect Batista for admiting those things himself

    but Stone Cold is a WWE legend

    they dont love stone cold steve austin the person they love stone cold steve austin the wrestler

    batista isnt as popluar as stone cold and therfore a lot of people will find reasons to dislike batista

    that is why

  2. Bandwagoners is a reason - basically, a lot of people dislike Batista because he either doesn't wrestle well, or because people have heard what kind of a person he is to his fans. He has reasons for that, but people just jump on the bandwagon and follow other's words, much like they do when they claim they hate John Cena.

    Also, a lot of people dislike Batista's actions more because he's not as popular as Stone Cold was. Stone Cold without a doubt is one of the most popular wrestlers in history, and will always be. Batista on the other hand "gets too many title shots", "always wins", "can't wrestle" or any other excuse.

    Stone Cold is also an Attitude Era wrestler, which also helps his case in many people's eyes.


  4. what do we expect from stone cold that is what he does and as far as batista goes well he just acts like he is all that and then some

  5. cz Austin is a good wrestler and batista is a bad wrestler?

    it's not the first time and i can honestly care less about wrestlers personall live, i mean i have lita and edge(ya know what happened) as my fav. female and male wrestler of all times lol.

    lets see some other stuff, Khali is nice in real life... hmm still dont like him.

    Cena too.. Never ever will unless he appologize to what he said about TNA last year.

    Batista ... nah juat can't like, as a heel or face, or even if he was nice.

    and what about Angle cheating on his wife huh?

    i haven't seen anyone say anything about this too ..

    so people just mix their ring work with their personal lives(of the wrestlers)

  6. I have to agree 100%. Haven`t been a SCSA fan since his second arrest. Only reason I can give is people for some reason look at anyone who was in  the greater than great, always entertaining, "almighty" attitude era with rose colored glasses.

  7. I'm not going to sit here and say I condone spousal abuse, even on that annoying gold digger Debra, but I'm also not going to condone a man cheating on his wife while she rests on her death bed.  These two situations, they're like comparing apples to oranges.  While both are fruits, I think ones a tad more taboo.  With that being said, with Austin you have someone who has a good relationship with fans, whereas I've heard more bad PR stories about Batista than any other superstar on the WWE roster.

    Personally, I've never been one to sling personal issues into any superstar's direction unless it affects their career and results in them getting a chance some other superstar who has better professional mannerisms doesn't get (i.e.- Jeff Hardy and drug problems, Triple H and steroids, etc etc).  Case in point, Batista's been known to snub fans, show veterans disrespect, and shows little effort to make matches look good unless he's in the ring with someone he thinks deserves to be in the ring with him.

    Plain and simple, I think a lot of bad characteristics have led to Batista's main target of character being his affair.  I don't think people personally hate the guy JUST because of that issue, but I think it's easier for some to criticize him for that one horrible thing in order to attempt and convert others to their way of thinking, whereas Austin's just a "good ol' boy" who lost his temper one night.  

    I reitterate that these aren't my views, but how I think people sort of justify their judgment of him.

  8. Stone cold is a major legend

    Batista will be loved when he retires

  9. Yer Debra can lie alot and batista is just and a$$ plane n simple

  10. well stone's old news but they can still hate on batista cuz hes still a star

  11. We don't know if that's true about Stone Cold but Batista did admit to his. And Batista cheated on his wife while she had cancer and blamed her for it come on she could have died and the one person she was depending on was out doing that that is just beyond low to me.

  12. i love stone cold steve austin the WRESTLER and thats where my respect goes, he could entertain like h**l. batista cant. plus he treats his fans like sh*t(i know from experience)

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