
How can Tayammum be performed in soil contaminated by germs?

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How can Tayammum be performed in soil contaminated by germs?




  1. Cause you can find no Soil without germs!

    Natural is the natural way!

  2. All germs are not harmful. And germs are not haram, it's not like your tayammum will not be valid. Who knows, probably have more germs on our bodies than in the soil used for tayammum.

    Everything is contaminated with germs. Even water.

  3. As proved by medical sciences clean and unpolluted soil is safe from germs and most germs cannot survive in soil. The reason soil is so protective is very tiny living things that exist in soil are deadly enemies of harmful germs. For example a dead body in which millions and billions of germs are present is buried in the earth, then these small living beings immediately starts assimilating that corpse and very soon they defeat the army of germs and destroy them.

    Therefore contrary to what people think clean pure and unpolluted soil does not have germs and it is a vital enemy of germs and sooner or later it destroys them.

    Keeping this in view it seems that when water is not available in command of Islam to do Tayammum on soil is according to the discovery of Medical science.

    The basic point to note with regard to this is that in Quran the verse of Tayammum emphasizes that the soil be clean and pure. It says:

    And (if) you cannot find water, betake yourselves to pure earth, then wipe your faces and your hands…[35]

    With regard to this religious command, the traditions of Holy Imams (‘a) state that soil should be pure, clean and clear. In the book Wasaelush Shia Imam Sadiq (‘a) has been quoted thus:

    “Do not take the soil for Tayammum from such places, which are thoroughfares, and people are passing through it.”

    This emphasis is there because generally the chance of such places being polluted is more, but those places where people do not passing through generally remains clean and pure.

  4. The Soil Used for Tayammum

    It must be pure soil: this can be sand, stone, gypsum, and so on. Allaah Almighty Says in the Quran (what means): "…Perform Tayammum with pure soil..." [Quran 5:6] and all scholars of the Arabic language agree that 'soil' (in Arabic) is whatever covers the earth, dirt or otherwise.

    At-Tayammum is the action of wiping ones hands and face with pure soil. The Sunnah is to hit both hands on the soil then wipe over the face, as reported in the following hadeeth of 'Ammar bin Yaasir (ra) who said (in the meaning):

    Allah (swt) said in Al-Qur'an (in the meaning):

       "...And you find no water, then perform tayammum with clean soil and rub your faces and your hands therewith." [4:43].

    " The clean earth is a means of ablution for a Muslim, even if he does not find water for ten years; but when he finds water, he should fear Allah and make it touch his skin." [Al-Bazzar].

    Our whole body contains germs. Allah is our creator, our protector, our maintainer of health and well being, nothing on this earth will harm us without the will of Allah.

  5. Cleansing cannot happen by washing with germs. That seems to be common sense.

    Maybe, in my opinion, it seems that Allah forgot that germs and other pathogens were present in the soil.


    In the Quran, where it says,"…Perform Tayammum with pure soil..." [Quran 5:6],

    How did an uncivilized, Bedouin 7th century culture, purify soil? Did they do it with water? If they did use water, then why use soil to clean themselves when they had water in the first place?

  6. Soil is not suitable for Tayammum, It may contain fertilizers or animal wastes.

    the only suitable things is sand "Dust". If you cannot find; use a rock instead.

  7. of course!!

    Didnt Allah SWT make u from the same soil?

    water has germs

    the human body has germs....worms...:)

    so Tayammum can be performed in soil contaminated by germs

  8. Ok, and water has no germs?  You only use distilled water for your wudhu I suppose.

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