
How can Technology help the enviroment.?

by  |  earlier

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well i believe that instead of complainning of how mush destruction technology has in the environment, we could use it to protect the environment as well because it's not like there is ever going to be a law that can recommend people to walk instead of driving their car.

I was thinking 1. Something to clean smoke air.

2. E-Book, no more mails or newspaper. Put everything through emails and enotes online.

3. or even something that can calculate the amount of fish in the seas...therefore we can sustain enough fish for the future. What do you think, am I going somewhere with this or is is nonsense?




  1. you seem to have something here. although.... there is a big chance that.. something could go wrong. I mean,  well.. look at the world. It would be amazing if someone did these things, but making these things, giving them power... its possible that it could make things worse. If we found another environmental-friendly source of.. power(like gasoline=not environmentally friendly) something like that. that would be amazing although we would use it all up until theres nothing left. and we would keep doing it again and again.. it is possible that... things will be very very different in the future.

    Great ideas, you have a good mind!!!

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