
How can Tibet be liberated from China peacefully?

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How can Tibet be liberated from China peacefully?




  1. If they ask this question (your question) peacefully, then they MIGHT have a chance :-)

    If they keep on burning stuff, killing people, breaking shops etc, i don't think they can achieve anything except a bad reputation of their 'bahaviour'.

    Foreigners are best not to intervent, bcos, in any stage, if there is foreigner on 'action', to me (a foreigner from SE asian) the first thing in my mind is "they are just here to make trouble or put on a show". The action /voice would be not considered seriously by the authority. Bcos, we believe the foreigners alwasy just want to make trouble, jsut busy-body...

  2. Well....if the WEST did not intervene with Tibet people, including brainwashing them, and stirred up false accusations between the Hans and Tibetans hundred years ago (something to do with British empire), then Tibet may be "peacefully" part of China now

    If the Russia (Soviet Union) did not create a stupid and lame communism idea, then China will not land in this state of being discriminated by the WEST. Just look at the Germans and Hitler, they have killed so many Jews, weren't they cruel and evil?? THE WEST AGAIN...

    The West have no position to comment on the separation of Tibet from China, because the government is merely doing the same that the WEST did hundred of years ago... (that's the assumption) think of India being colonized?

    Before posing this question, think again. Think of thw colonization again. A world can become a much better place..sigh.

  3. It shouldn't be unless arrogant Western people like you want to get packed back into Russia (as in pre-dark age times).

  4. are u that CODI M guy?

  5. Tibet will get get liberated by peace. They cause violence!

    P.S - Mr Hex Vision's answer is completely wrong!

  6. Hi,

    why ?I think , The Tibetans are very happy to be   China's Citizens

  7. It won't happen. In the end, the Tibetans will resort to violence to achieve their independence goals. Obviously, they will be backed by Western nations.

  8. By diplomatic processes.

    The only logic outcome is that only the TAR region becomes independent still leaving the so called greater areas of Tibet in Chinese control.

    But all this must be voted for by the majority of people living in the TAR region.

  9. By China just giving up Tibet on a whim. Diplomacy is the other option. And if none of those work, well, then chaos must resume.

  10. they can't and they shouldn't.  Its liek if hawaii, just decided one day that they didnt want to be part of the US.

    Its just the world has fallen prey to the tibetian propraganda, about china opressing them.

  11. never

  12. Let's clear up a common misconception about Tibet. While it is true that it is currently under communistic Chinese rule, Tibet does not want to be an independent nation. Rather, the leaders of Tibet want it to have the same status as Hong Kong, which has an elevated state status. This would allow Tibet some more freedom, while at the same time allowing it to reap the benefits of being a part of an extremely wealthy country.

    The ruling class of Tibet realizes what would happen if they became an independent state: they would become like Nepal, freed but reliant on China to the point of desperation. Nepal has refused to speak out about Tibet because they rely on China for food and other resources, and do not want those removed.

    China realizes that the Tibetans want both more freedom and resources, and that is why this conflict is occurring now.

    In order to peacefully resolve this, I think both parties need to come to a compromise. As of right now,  neither has refused to bargain in any way, and that is why they are in their current situation. This compromise might be as simple as China elevating the status, or it could be much more complex. Either way, a bad step to take would be to put on violent protests during inappropriate times.

  13. a dream

  14. Sorry Stephen, but your question is not asked the right way.

    Tibet is part of China since the 14th century, and the Tibetans and Hans have co-existed for centuries. Tibet became part of China through a political treaty negotiated by the Tibetan leaders and the emperor of China, and re-affirmed afterwards. A situation which is markedly similar to the integration of French Louisiana to the United States in the early 19th century through a political treaty engineered by Thomas Jefferson.

    Now, though presented in a pretty wrapper with a cool "peacefully" inserted in it for good effect -- less controversial than the usual, mindless "free Tibet" questions -- your question is western-biased.


    The current political system of China is not so different from the old system in terms of structures, and it is better for the people. Both Hans and Tibetans.

    Just get some basic facts on the standard of living of the Tibetan people in the 1940s, and you'll see how their living conditions have improved.

    Then get some basic facts about the social, political, and economic situation in Tibet under the Lama theocracy, and you will conclude for yourself that the current government of the Tibetan autonomous region is a boon for the local people.

    To be honest, this will require you to re-think the 'information' you have been fed by the propaganda system of the richest nations of the world. I would suggest you to read Noam Chomsky's excellent (and short) pamphlet titled "Media Control". Great food for thought for anyone who wants to regain control of their own mind. "Propaganda" by Edward Bernay is another reading which would really stimulate your thought process (it will, I am not sarcastic at all).

    Lastly, I would return your 'typically Westerner' question by asking you: Stephen, when will the US government restore the American Indians their full dignity after having orchestrated their genocide? When will the Western nations stop fomenting conflicts in Africa by arming opposed factions and pitting them against one another in conflicts which kill hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children? When will the West stop selling arms to the rest of the world? When will the Western governments peacefully withdraw from areas of the world where they have established military bases and political clout in order to control their supply of natural resources?

    You may be better armed to answer these questions after you read "Year 501: The Conquest Continues", and "Understanding Power", both by Noam Chomsky.

    And when you have fully thought these issues for yourself, you will be in an excellent position to re-think your question, or drop it altogether.

    As in the final analysis, I am very sorry to say that the issue you are trying to make is rather.... irrelevant to the general state of affairs on our planet.

    I wish you a wonderful time with these books. Good first steps to de-propagandize your mind, and look at the world with new eyes.

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