
How can WE THE PEOPLE,expect the country to UNITE,,when the political parties continue to divide us?

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America has never been more divided than today..We The People are so consumed with ''Parties and party loyalty,,that we have forgotten how our country got to be what we are..Anyone or anything that divides this country negatively should be rejected.. Instead,,we blindly follow the masses into stupidity..Do you not realize we are toying with the destruction of our way of life? Do we not care? SOLOMON




  1. HDN

  2. And who are the political parties except for groups of people who come together with different philosophies about how the country should be run?

    It's always amazes me that those who want the people to unite want it to unite around what they believe in, whether everyone else believes it or not.

  3. Americans don't care. The corporations that buy the politicians who craft laws to their advantage own the media. They own the majority of candidates in both parties, and really, they don't care who gets elected so long as a candidate favorable to big corporations gets elected.

    Why do you think Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul got no airtime?

    Divide, conquer, and rule is the oldest trick in the book. Too bad most Americans pay attention to the dog & pony show the media puts forth as 'the issues' instead of looking deeper into WHY they give the candidates they give so much airtime.

    To put it another way...the reasons the primaries take so long here in the USA is simply for them...the corporate govt. & figure out who they can convince you to accept as President. If you actually looked at what their candidates stand for...who they would work for...and who ends up paying for it in the end, I'd hope you'd vote differently.

  4. We don't care.  The proof will be on election day (any election).  See how many registered voters stay home, watch the returns & complain about things never changing.  If it wasn't so sad, it would be entertaining.

  5. The American public is fickle minded. Immediately after the 9/11, there was a lot of hue and cry against the enemies of the States and Bush was riding on the crest of war mongering. The marines have been sent to Afghan and Iraq and now the reality has dawned that war is not so easy and in war, even the victors lose. The sight of body bags coming from the Middle East, is really is unnerving the public mind. They forgot all about their battle cries. They are now braying for the head of President Bush. They must support the President who dared to take tough measures but poor guy is now very unpopular. After the elections, what will the new incumbent do? He will negotiate for an honourable exit from Iraq and Afghanistan. Karzai's days in Afghan are numbered. Osama will remain an invincible hero. He will open exhort the new President to embrace Islam.

  6. The reason we are divided is that this is not a country founded on socialist principles and there will always be a divide when stupid rises up and get too much power.

  7. Decode this lyrics " That's what friends are for"

    For the work of God?

    Or for cheap-skate glory of National Identity?

    Decode this lyrics 'You are not alone"

    Look in the real world.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Where have we gone wrong?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What have we done in kicking the butts of our own children?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  8. Thats their plan, the parties will split indefinitely... two to four, four to eight, eight to sixteen and so on...The more the nation is split, the easier it is to control.. the parties are the different sides of the same coin. The only hope for the nation is to unite... we've only done it once and that was during the revolution ( we all had the same goal, to be an independent nation).  Now being a world power, the elitists want the most powerful nation to split into many factions making it easier to completely control.

  9. Diversity of thought and political opinion is the lifeblood of democracy. Differing perspectives on the problems facing our country inform the public debate and offer additional solutions.Political parties are almost a given condition to have a working democracy. The more political parties that exist, the more it become necessary to take minority view into account in formulating public policy.

    The concept of UNITY is inconsistent with democracy. (If as your seem to suggest that we should have a complete unity in public policy we would be living under a dictatorship!!!!!!)

  10. Good realization, if you can why not others. In my opnion when it comes to dividing a nation people hit back always.

  11. Tell the parties to go shove it.

  12. GO FIGURE ?????!!!!!!!!??????

  13. After reading all the anti-nominee comments on this FORUM..i feel sorry for the future of America.

  14. Let me lay it out for you.

    There is approximately 80-90% of the population that vote entierly along party lines, whether it be conservative or liberal.  They do this without even thinking about it, whether it's because mom & dad voted that way, maybe a spouse or a loved one, whatever.

    The 10-20% of the truely "undecided" vote is who ALL the candidates from every party attempt to win over.

    I don't think the counry is as divided as you might think it is, but personally, I'd like to have some kind of rule or law that would limit Presidential campaigns to no more than 9 months prior to the November elections.  

    Too much time every 4 years is being given to running FOR the office instead or running THE office.

  15. Stop voting for those parties and actually understand why you feel and think the way you do. Parties just allow people to blindly elect government officials...perhaps that is why the re-election rate for congress is in the 90th percentile.

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