
How can YOU prevent dictatorship in your country?

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Indicate your country, please!

And remember: I asked HOW you can prevent not IF you can prevent.




  1. Prevent it ? We have it. It is impossible to prevent dictatorship within a democracy. You vote, you get a PM or president, and he/she is your elected dictator for the given term. In most countries the bulk of the executive power rests with one person, which is what I call dictatorship.


  2. Dictatorship can be stopped by a revolution of the people against an alleged corrupt President just like what Fili[pinos did to Presidents Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada - Philippines.

  3. USA- don't vote for Hillary.

  4. As far as I know there is no ultimate way to prevent it, nearly every society thats ever existed eventually declines into a dictatorship. In fact I think there's a book out about the 10 steps to dictatorship, it was on the Colbert report about three weeks ago. (

    Best way to prevent it is to get involved in politics and spread the message. Eventually it will lead to a depression, oppression, then revolution. Stop banning guns, that is why we have the 2nd amendment protection from big brother if it comes down to it. It's also been proven that countries without guns crime rate goes up.

    That's my 2 cents

    United States of America

  5. dont know

  6. You kill anyone who is bad or put them in prision and beat them.

  7. I am English, and there is no way that we can prevent it here. In spite of all the hype, we do not have a democracy in this country, and we never have had. Other countries have citizens, but Britain has 'Subjects' and that is what we are.We have a Bill of Rights that was written after our Civil War to defend the rights of the individual from the state, but it is **** paper now. Did you know that "No British Government is bound by anything entered into by any previous government"?  It's true. We have an illusion of democracy that is all. Every few years we have an election to vote for someone selected by one or other of the parties. These are people that will do as they are told by their bosses, otherwise they would not be selected, would they? Once they are in the saddle there is nothing we can do to stop them doing whatever they want. So long as we go through the hoops of this system we cannot change it. The Prime Minister is really  President, except that he holds more real power than most Presidents, and it is only a very small step to Dictator. Mugabe and all the other murderous dictators in Africa are officially presidents, aren't they? The Royal family is nothing, only a symbol. The last Soverign to hold any real power was Queen Victoria.

    The only real hope for change will come if a new party rises that will really give the people what they want.

    They will need huge resorces of money and power, and the chances are that if they did look like rocking the boat then they would be declared an illegal organisation and stopped.

      On the other hand they might pull it off if they greased the right palms. This new party would most likely to be something that represents the hopes and desires of the Muslim community, for they are now a huge and powerful minority.    Once they get their act together and set up such a party they will probably be like the n**i party in 1930s Germany, they will rewrite the rules to suit themselves in just the same way that our present setup works. No,there is no way on earth that you or I or anyone else can fight the system as it stands. Even if some fool shot the PM and forty others it would make no difference at all. In 60 years or so, when this country becomes untenable from overcrowding and destruction of the habitat then we may see riots and civil disorder on the grand scale, but it will be brutaly put down. Even if another bunch of b******s floated to the top they would be worse than the mob that they displaced. Look at Soviet Russia. Merry Christmas.

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