
How can a 13 year old boy make money in the summer?

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plz give some good tips




  1. Ask your mother if she needs help in anything (chores, job, etc.) and ask her for payment before you do it. You can wash the dishes, babysit your sibs, etc.

    I'm 13 and what I do to make money is pluck my mother's white hair. Haha. The price is 5pesos per strand. :))


  2. You might offer to do odd jobs and chores for friends and neighbours, such as babysitting, dog-walking or gardening. It isn't much fun, but that's how I earned money at that age. You can even ask your local newsagent if he or she would mind you advertising this in their shop window. You could make extra money by selling any unwanted belongings on ebay? Get someone to help you with this if you like- I'm sure you have something you no-longer need? That's all I got, lol.

  3. All the usuals, mowing lawns, basic yardwork, and you should try picking up dog p**p!  You would be amazed at how many people will pay to have someone come into their yards to pick up those nasty little smelly doggie mines!! It is kind of a nasty job, but hey, its gotta be done, if you can make money at it why  not?

  4. Mow lawns in the neighborhood... my brother did that during the summer and helped some clean their garages when they needed help.

  5. you can get good at playing skill games at or!

  6. Get a newspaper route.

    Sell lemonade from outside your house or on a busy street corner.

    Mow lawns in your neighborhood.

    Or, if you know anyone in the restaurant biz, you can wash dishes under the table (not on the official payroll).

    Good luck and don't work too hard this summer. Enjoy your time off while you are young. You will have 40 years of work ahead of you when you get out of high school/college.

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