
How can a 13 year old get a checking account without their parent's knowing?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and I want a checking account. I don't want a credit card just a debit card so I can shop online. I have lots of money but it's not in money it's in change and I want to transfer it to dollars because my mom wont let me do it by myself. I have $15 in cash so I was thinking of buying some coin rollers and counting up all my money. Last time I counted I had $150 in quarters alone. I want to buy clothes from online because it's cheaper then buying from the store near me. My mom doesn't like me buying/selling/saving/making money. All I want is a few outfits and from forever 21 it only costs $138 with postage included. My mom's always broke and she wont let me buy my own stuff so I normally don't have any nice clothes even though I have the money for it. Any help?




  1. It doesn't hurt to go into your bank and ask, right? They won't tell your mom. But they will tell you if you need your mom's permission to open a checking account.

    Also, when ordering online, ALL stores, including Forever 21, require a valid Credit Card. You cannot buy anything online with a debit card.

    Could you maybe ask a relative (grandma, aunt, etc) if they will buy the clothes (using their Credit Card) for you and you will pay them in cash?

  2. Hi there,

    The difficulty with credit card debt is that it can take so long to pay it off that you just get almost bored and spend again. Most people find it hard to live within their means and not get further into debt or back into debt.

    I can recommend starting to buy everything with cash - I'm telling you, when you see those bills going through your fingers you will really cut back on your spending! It's far too easy to spend money you don't have with a credit card.

    You have to get rid of your credit card debt. Either get a consolidation loan or consolidate your cards to ones with zero or low rates of interest. Once you have done this you MUST get rid of your old cards - cut them up and destroy them otherwise you will be tempted to spend on them again and get into even more serious problems.

    You really can get out of credit card debt but it is going to require some discipline and self control and maybe even a five year plan, but once you are out of debt you will feel a new found sense of freedom!

    Hope that helps, but please let me know if you need any more info :)

  3. i don't think you need to buy coin wrappers, most banks will give to you for free. walk into  a bank and ask them first before you buy them.

    also some stores sell these credit cards where u can use them online, and u just fill them up with money... which i think they just load the amount right their that u give them.

  4. No you can not get your own checking account.  You must be 18 to do that.  

  5. Here is a good plan:

    Go to Forever 21

    Pick out your outfit

    Go to the dressing room

    Remove the security tags

    Put the clothes in a shopping bag or purse

    Walk out of the store

    My friends do it all the time.

  6. You can't get a bank account w/o your parents approval until you are 18. You could buy a prepaid (Green Dot) debit card at Walgreen's' (and likely other stores) for cash. Many banks and shopping malls also will sell you a prepaid (Visa or Master Card) debit card for cash.

    Reselling stuff you buy at the PX could get you in a lot a legal trouble. The PX stuff is only for your own use. But, of course, the odd gift to someone once in awhile is OK.

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