
How can a 13 year old make ALOT of money sence i cant have a job?

by  |  earlier

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i need money... and alot.. i want a graphics card, surfboard , and some other expiensive items. and lemonade stands dont work. and puting up fliers for dog watching and house walking dont usally get replys from that. so can u give e some sugestions of things i acn do to make alot of money.




  1. Well no 13 year old can make a whole c**p load of money but you can make a  good amount of money by mowing lawns

  2. find some people who need a babysitter or mow lawns for buissness who are to busy to do it themselves.  or you could find a lost dog

  3. You can do all that you said.

    You can do yard work, and chores for other people you know and trust!

  4. why dont you just try babysitting a couple families...some pay lots. Or you could charge them an amount so you get what you want. Try putting flyers in mailboxes of families you know have animals or take care of your friends animals.

  5. Slang some weed!! RASTA FARRRIIIIIIIIIIII

  6. Treasure troopers is a good one, you only have to be 13 to join and you can make money lots of different ways, including surveys, I make enough to make my car payment. You can sign up at

    Contact me if you need help.

  7. uhm u can try mowing lawns or babysitting i your neighborhood. or have  a yardsale and sell stuff u dont need. or you can also sell stuff u dont need on ebay.

    hope tht helped!

  8. i want i want i want.  

    you can't make a lot of money at 13.

  9. yea i babysit

    and tell your parents like you'll wash doors or stuff around the house for a price

    and make it casual and just do alot of little things

    it really adds up

    i wish i knew of faster ways but im in the same situation

    no one hires at 14

  10. well making money isnt that easy.

    just go to neighbours that you know around your neighbourhood and help them out with stuff like dog walking, babysitting, lawn moeing, gardening, etc.

    hope this helps :-]

  11. Babysitting

    Cutting Grass

    Just random jobs around the house [chores]

  12. DUDE!!!!! YOU'RE THIRTEEN!!!!! If I were you I would focus on finishing school and looking into some serious time in college cause your expensive taste is screaming that you have to have a decent job in the future!!!

  13. if your mom's friends have kids ask your mom if she can casually mention that your old enough to babysit

    thats how i got started

  14. blackmail your parents with the dirty you have on them?

  15. well try asking neighbors and stuff about cutting their grass or washing their cars.

  16. Babysit.

  17. baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

    There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales, and usually have a lemonade stand as well. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made my first thousand, and I now have around 1,400 dollars. Good Luck!

  18. try selling old things that you dont want on ebay. babysitting, petsitting, or doing just plain old chores. idk cuz i am 14 and i have a job! srry i tried to help

  19. *ask your parents if you can have a garage sale and keep all the money you earn

    *ask if you can get paid for doing certain chores everyday (dishes, cleaning your room, taking out the trash)

    *baby sit younger siblings/cousins

    *mow your neighbors yards or help with yard work for a fairly low price like 5 dollars/hr.

    if you do a lot of different odd jobs like these you could have money comin your way from lots of different ppl!

  20. your 13, you can't make that that much money. sorry. mow lawns shovel driveways, babysit for friends. when you get a little older get a real job and save.

  21. Get a job from somebody who doesn't care that your 13,  Thats what i did at around your age

  22. I comend you for wanting to make your own money and to work for it. Thats awesome for a person your age.

    Umm. What about dog walking? or babysitting? or chores around peoples homes? maybe a garage sale (you could make this fun... Ask your friends to join you and split the profits). I hope i've given you some ideas.

  23. Ugh sell weed....

  24. I would ask neighbors if you could run any errands for them.

    Try walking dogs ... or even house sitting  ... collecting mail, watering plants, feeding pets.

    Offer to wash cars ... or even better .... cars and the dog

  25. maybe you should creat websites and stuff, i read stuff about kids who made tons of money from that in one of my magazines and they all started young!

  26. u should baby sit,do chores..

  27. i dnt knw im 13 too and i need a f*****k e n answer too my parents give me anything i want but i still want more

  28. all you have to do is get one rich friend, suck up to their parents, and then watch their house for a week. rich people are always going on vacation, so there's a good chance you can get a house sitting job right off the bat. and they usually pay way more than necessary. i once got $250 for a week of stopping by for about 15 minutes a day.

    just make sure you dont invite your friends over and steal a cake from the people's house...that was the end of my house watching career....

    or you can always turn to pyramid scams or peddling for money on the corner saying your parents left you for dead...

    i hope you can get your computer parts. good luck.

    oh, also!

    i knew a 5 year old girl with cancer who ran a lemonade stand for 4 years until she died. she raised several thousand dollars and all the money went to cancer research and she didnt take any for herself. but, i definitely think your cause is way more important. maybe ill see you in a call of duty 4 server one of these days once you pimp your computer.

    the point of telling you that is so that you don't discount the lemonade stand so quickly

  29. you could get a workers permit. which allows you to work at that age. or you can try babysitting that's what a lot of people your age do.

  30. I am sure a lot of people need someone to do "house walking." lmfao..

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