
How can a 14 year old boy lose weight fast without pills?

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Hi, guys I'm 14 years old and im 5"5' and i've got some muscle but my fat makes it look like its not there and i would like to make them pop out a little bit more so if u could please tell me how to fix this little problem thanks.




  1. Well.

    You have to exercise,eat right and drink a lot of water.

    That's the only way.

  2. Eat healthy and exercise.

  3. Move your fat a$$ and work out!

  4. well i would say exercise and stop eating things like pasta and bread


  6. Exercise, and the best exercise is swimming.  That uses every muscle in your body.  There is no fast way to lose weight and it should be done under the supervision of a professional, say your family doctor.

  7. Well maybe you can try exercising!

  8. exersice and eat right:]

  9. Those pills, along with all those other gimics such as sweat suits and diarretic supplements are all jokes.   They most of the time result in you losing water weight, and sweat suits can lead to heat exhuastion very quickly and cause you to pass out/or die.

    A proper diet, determination, and exercise are essential to losing weight.  Try a small exercise regimen daily, and up your actual work out difficulty as you progress. This is simply called, the principle of progression.

    Good Luck :)


  11. Run, play sports, be active outside, dont just eat junk food.

    Its really not that hard to figure out, but you have to be dedicated and work hard to do it.

  12. aw lol well you're just 14 years old. you're very young, if you havn't grown yet you might need that fat for your growth spert. but if you think you already grew your maximum or you have more than enough fat. then the best answer especially for a guy is to do some wieght lifting, NOT try to lift as much as you can but just lift something like 80 times at first it'll seem easy but towards the end it will be soooo hard and you will feel so much of that fat burning :D and also your diet should be healthyy. let go of the cheese, ranch dressing, and greasy foods --get your calcium with milk and yogurt

  13. work out

  14. eat less, exercise more.  

  15. well idk but u could try to exirsize

    p.s i would try to help more but ive never been fat srry

    p.s.s and ur not fat ur fluffy haha i hate calling people fat so i call them fluffy and it makes them feal better

    oh and dont feal bad 4 being fat its ok be ok wit ur wait because it dose not matter wat u look like


  16. well your just entering your teenage years look just joing a some kinda sport like well basketball or the one u like and well your gtonna keep on growing and dont worry ull lose some weight

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Hi my name is scott i love to meet new people and anserw qustions so IM me my IM name is if you have something other then yahoo messenger just email me and tell me your IM doesnot matter what it is my myspace is linksawsome soadd me thank you.  

  18. well, it's not exactly the best way, but it's (my) effective way. But looking at it, it prevents growth by height, and has some health risks. But like what you say, it loses weight fast without pills. Don't take it if you already have health problems.

    Sit at the computer all freaking day and find something to do on it. Limit your eating to the only times your family calls you out to eat, and starve yourself at other times. To prevent yourself from eating, you'll have to entertain yourself 24/7.

    I lost almost 15 pounds like this. No, I'm not happy about it. I feel like I'm going to become short. before I was 138, now I'm 126, then went back to 131.

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