
How can a 14 year old get birth control pills without parents knowing??

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live in chicago illinois




  1. I don't live in the US (I'm from Canada) but I know here you can. If you can't, then just tell your parents you have really irregular periods and cramps (the birth control pill is prescribed for that too). Or if you have acne, use that as an excuse. It is also used to treat that too.

    Hope I was helpful!

  2. Go to your local Health Department.

  3. You cant, plus you should not need them!!! Wait until your older, much older!!

  4. why do u need birth pills ur only 14 and still a child  

  5. go to a clinic. but seriously, don't have s*x.  

  6. planned parent hood

  7. Why? Your not having s*x already are you? If you are having problems with periods or cramps is another thing, but to get them to have s*x is just too sad for words. Keep your legs closed until you acually know all the consequences of having s*x are.

    Diseases - Herpes, Aids, Clamidia, Gonarhea (the person you are having s*x with might not know they have it, and give it to you)

    Babies - Will ruin your life to have a child being a child yourself

    Raped - May not want to do it afterall but the guy still does and forces you into it.

    Just think before you act.

  8. just go to your local Planned Parenthood or Health Department.  You will need to get an exam, and they will give you your bc right there. It's totally confidential, and free.

  9. well, please do not have s*x you are way to young.  But if you are going to there are places called Planned Parenthood were you can go without a parents permission and it is totally discreet.  But you are too young.  Be smart.

  10. I dont understand the answers that say 'please don't, you are WAY too young' one sentence and the next sentence you're telling her to go to Planned Parenthood. Sometimes knowledge is not power, it is our demise.

  11. Planned Parenthood.

  12. go to a teen parenthood clinic. alot of medical buildings have a program.

  13. I don't think she can.

    Just ask them.

  14. Yes.  Most towns (and all cities that I know of) have free clinics.  Lots of times they are called Women's Clinics, or Health Clinics.  They offer free birth control, consultations, give lots of information, free vacinations, and dr visits.  Look in your phone book or ask a school counselor.  

  15. why are you having s*x at 14?  

  16. try Planned Parenthood - they will know

  17. I dont know about chicago, but where i'm from (new mexico) it doesnt matter how old u are, u can make your own birth control decisions at ne age.  When i was 16 i went my doctor and used my moms insurance and she never found out.  But if your worried about that, then go to planned parenthood, theyre everywhere.  They will give them to u for free or discounted, if not them, then find your local public health office and they will help u without your parents finding out.  Just do it before u regret not doing it.

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