
How can a 14 year old raise $3500 in roughly 5 months?

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I was invited to the Presidential Inauguration as well as the Inaugural Ball by a group called People to People Student Ambassadors. It's a student ambassador program kind of through the government to "create peace by understanding". The only thing holding me back is $3500 and a ball gown.




  1. check with your school. The PTA may be able to help you raise some money. Talk to your parents.

    Ask your local newspaper to run a story on the event and the your expense for it. Ask for donations.

  2. get your parents to pay you for doing lots of jobs around the house.

    $3500 is ALOT of money.

  3. Have you considered asking your parents for a loan?  

  4. Perhaps you can arrange for a fund raiser to collect money. It sounds like it is something worthwhile and maybe you can get some local businesses to donate or else hold a bake sale or car wash or whatever.I would think you would have ask your friends and family to help you with the fund raising events.

  5. have s*x with r. kelly he likes underage girls but he still the r in r&b

  6. there is no way a 14 yr old can raise 3500.00 legally. because a minor cannot sign contract, if he had an adult helping him 'or her' they might have a chance.

  7. Get a partime job after school

    save your lunch money

    sell old trading cards or collectibles

  8. Work. And not at some fast food place, but some where that will pay you well. Also trying selling some of your stuff you dont need. Maybe even start a fundraiser, like selling chocolate.  

  9. prostitute. seriously.

    if you're good, that's $700 a night.

  10. Maybe Have fun razers or sell cookies and stuff

  11. Bake Sales

    Concert with Local Bands- some bands will play for cheap or free if its for a good cause

    Face Paint


    all that stuff

    Good luck!

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