
How can a 14 year old start an online business?

by  |  earlier

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I am 14 years of age and looking to start a small online business. What are my options? I would use eBay, but you have to be 18 to sell on eBay or use PayPal. What else is there? What could I sell?

Thanks for your time. I look forward to your answer...




  1. Try the Build A Niche Store tool which would help you build Online Web Store with eBay Affiliate. You earn money when someone buys something from your store. You make money without selling or buying anything from eBay. I started with one store now i have a bunch of them and now i make a good income per month online.

  2. um......well you can get ur mom to help out

    haha im guessing she is more than 18

    um.....thats the best a 14 year old person can do

    lol im 14 too and i would sooo start a only business if i could

    emial me if you want

  3. decide what you want to sell. you can start from craigs list. They will not be able to pay online. You will need to collect payment when them come to pickup their order.

  4. Well Im 16.....But Ebay is a fun way to make money and sell things you no longer need want or are of rare substance/value... You could always have your parents put their name down for the business and go from there.

    As to what to sell...If you can paint or draw.Sketches............Umm otherwise old things ect you no longer find yourself using

  5. If you have any creative ability, you can create your own online t-shirt business. You would get paid through a paypal account. Go to

    Here's an example of mine (i'm 15 btw)-  everythinghorselover.onlineshirtstores.c...

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