
How can a 15 year-old make money fast?

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I'm 15. I need another 200 dollars so I can buy a new graphics card for my computer. I was wondering how I can make this within 2 weeks. Any ideas would be helpful. Except babysitting.




  1. be a stripper

  2. If you have junk you dont need do ebay, or buy expensive stuff at garage sales and then sell it for more than you bought it. its pretty much legit. Dont Steal

  3. ummm......try to make a lemonade stand or something

  4. um, car wash, cut the grass, make some food and sell it

  5. idk but when you find something email me and let me know.

    i'm 18, have a job, but pays c**p, and I'm about to take on a lot of responsibility in 2wks, so in desperate need to make as much money as possible in 2 wks

  6. Within 2 weeks, as in not getting a regular paying job, then yeah, odd jobs are your best bet. Go around asking your neighbors if they'd like you to wash their car or mow the lawn or something for like, $20, get 10 neighbords to say yes, and you've got your $200. The classic lemonade stand might not get you that much money. Babysitting makes a good amount of money if you really need it (I know you said you don't want to, but I'm just reminding you.)

    Good luck. =)

  7. get a can of white and black spray paint some # stencils and go around neighborhoods and charge 5-10 dollars to paint addresses on curbs.

  8. or i mean you could always steal it? its so easy and you wouldnt have to bust your but for months just to buy one. common..

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