
How can a 7th grade boy tell if a 7th grade girl likes him?

by  |  earlier

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  1. to show that i like a boy (im in 7th grade and am a girl) i like fool around with him? not like FOOL AROUND fool around but ill laugh at his jokes and txt him and stuff. maybe ill like kid around and then giggle or something. maybe ill try 2 b s**y around him like touch his arm or like puff my chest out without it looking weird. like i hope this helps lol

  2. Normally, if a girl likes a guy, she will go out of her way to be nice to him.  She will try to sit or stand near him so she can have a chance to talk to him.  She will laugh at his jokes and try to help him with his problems.  She will try to get closer to him and his friends so she can find out more about him.  These signs don't always apply though.  If the girl is shy, she might smile at him and try to be nice.  She might hint at her interest in him subtly.  She might stare at him from farther away so she won't be noticed.  Either way, girls need reasurance that the guy they like likes them back, or else they will move on.

  3. Normally, if a girl likes a guy, she will go out of her way to be nice to him.  She will try to sit or stand near him so she can have a chance to talk to him.  She will laugh at his jokes and try to help him with his problems.  She will try to get closer to him and his friends so she can find out more about him.  These signs don't always apply though.  If the girl is shy, she might smile at him and try to be nice.  She might hint at her interest in him subtly.  She might stare at him from farther away so she won't be noticed.  Either way, girls need reasurance that the guy they like likes them back, or else they will move on.

  4. Well, i smile and look at him all the time. I walk slow when i see him in the halls and i watch him walk away until i can't see him anymore. I also smile at something he's done in the hall if it's suppossed to be funny. :]
    His name is cody <3

  5. usually she smiles a lot and checks u out to see if u have got a good body or not...if she is a shy person then she might mostly smile at u and wait for u to say somethong to her..but try to act cool and act HOTT to make her want u

  6. usually she smiles a lot and checks u out to see if u have got a good body or not...if she is a shy person then she might mostly smile at u and wait for u to say somethong to her..but try to act cool and act HOTT to make her want u

  7. you can always tell because she will smile almost all the time around you. she will laugh at almost all of your jokes, even the lame ones. but dont make up bad ones just to see. then you'll seem dumb. an easy way to let her know that your interested in her is, when you see her in the hall smile at her as you pass by each other. if you already know her, than say hi too. also always try to sit next to her. but dont make it look like your stalking her. most important, BE YOUR SELF!!! i hope helped.

  8. for the boy- if she luaphs a lot or smiles or doesnt mind if you do something to her and just luaghs.
    for the girl- idk! i wish i knew that why i looked this up!!!!!!!!!11

  9. Well I know when I like a guy I always accidently chat up a huge storm around him. I feel like an idiot after to. Then my friends can tell I like him and then they'll go and tell him. I googled this earlier cause me and friend our debating over weither this guy likes her or me. I thinks it me but I wouldn't dare tell her that.p.s. Never cursh on your exs best friend it will end badly for both of you.

  10. she well look at you a lot, she could flirt with you, but if shes more shy, then she might get queit appound you and only talk if you talk to her

  11. well you can often tell because the girl may look at you a lot,of try to like stand close to you a lot. i say this because that's what I often do. if you think about it its just like what a guy would do if he likes a girl but in reverse. you could also ask one of their firends and get thei opion on it. but heres the thing if you do that... you have to make that riend promise not to tell her that you asked... well that is if you dont want the girl you like to knoe you like her. but anyway either be shy about it or you ask the girl if she likes you. chances are if she laghs at your jokes, smile at you a lot, and stare at you with a glim in her eyes then she likes you. but be careful that you dont midjudge her looks.

  12. im in 7th grade and i like this boy and i always stare at him and smile. most girls like to flirt with guys so if she starts to flirt with you its possible that she likes you but its not deffinate. just be your self and see if she likes you for you and dont be fake around girls because beleave me girls hate when a guy is fake or uses them. also talk to her alittle bit if she smiles when your talking and when she sees you she possible likes you but if she doesnt seem interested then dont bother theres always more girls out there. i hope this helped alittle and if it didnt then sorry.

  13. If you see her looking at you. If she is always trying to be around you f
    in class or in the hall.

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