
How can a Canadian get into a University in the States?

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I am a grade 11 student from Toronto. My average has always been 85%+ and for my last 2 years in high school i plan to get above that. In grade 9 and 10 my marks for all classes have been 80 and above. I am in band, jazz band, choir, music theater, newspaper, and planning on joining more clubs this year. Is it at all possible for me to get into a University in the States?

I really want to try for any Ivy League college i can get into but i understand that they are very selective about admissions after researching it. Another choice was University of California, Los Angeles, but again it said they were very selective. It seems impossible for a Canadian student to get into any University in the US what with SATS and a whole lot of other things that are not required in Canada. Anyone think I still have a chance?




  1. It depends what the 85% means at your high school. If you're at or near the top of your class you have a chance as long as you do well on the SATs and have good activities outside of the classroom.

    While SATs are not required in Canada, tons of Canadians take them. Study hard, get a 2250 plus, and UCLA will be a go even if ivies are not. And if you can't score high, there are still many, many colleges you can get into, especially if you can pay full price.

  2. Yes you have a chance. All universities in the United States accept international students and all universities will require applicants to take the SAT or ACT tests; these can be taken in Canada.

    If your grades are good and your SAT I and SAT II scores are above average then there is no reason why you cannot get into a first tier undergraduate school in the U.S.

  3. Let me put it this way - every school I've been to has Canadian students in it.  It can't be that difficult; start by asking the admissions office.

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