
How can a Christian based moral system be fair when it makes biological urges sinful, even if not acted upon?

by Guest67049  |  earlier

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In Matthew 5:27-28 Jesus states that: "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Isn't this further proof that the entire Christian scheme of salvation, and threat of damnation, is a big entrapment game. To condemn a man for FEELINGS of lust, even if he doesn't go to the extent of acting out this lust in physical adultery is akin to condemning a man for feeling hungry because he hasn't eaten in awhile. To me this proves that an ethical system founded on Biblical teachings is one that will engender misery, and not better the world.




  1. You have the God-given 'choice' to think as you will.

  2. Exactly. Well said.

    To me, being punished for JUST THINKING about something is equal to mind control.

  3. Exactly.  You're not even allowed to have normal human sexual can any sane person consider such thought control as moral?  

  4. you do know exactly what lust is right? its not looking at a girl and thinking "wow she is hot" its thinking "wow she is hot, i want to have s*x with her"

  5. And in this world where women clamor for equality with men, you don't find it rather enlightened that the Lord told men to look upon women as people and not objects of lust?  

  6. Respectively, you miss the point of what Jesus was saying. He was attempting to show how imperfect we are as compared to God. In affect showing people that God just doesn't see and awards things that people do outwardly, but what is also inside of man.

    Man is completely corrupt, some of us don't manifest it in the physical sense; but this is the illustration. By Jesus showing this difference between man's standards and God's, He is pointing out that we are hopeless without a savior. We will never be able to get to Heaven based upon our works. Jesus covers our sins in order for us to be justified to get to Heaven.

  7. A society run like fundy Christians wants it would collapse.

    Having morals made into law is the perfect way to ensure that the free society collapses. Seriously, ban abortion, condoms and s*x education? Oh, and of course, no support for the poor with all these new children! (since all fundy Christians just happens to be die hard republicans).

  8. The biblical  use of the word "lust" implies more than just a feeling.  It is a surrender to that feeling.  It is a loss of control.  Compare it to panic, for example.  We all might get a feeling of panic but we know we ought not to surrender to the feeling.  Fight it; control it and you will be stronger and a better person for having controlled it.

    If we've surrendered to the feeling, and have decided that it was okay to savor that feeling, then we're one step closer to acting it out.  

  9. You quote one scripture and say "isn't this further proof that the entire Christian scheme of a big entrapment game."???  ARE YOU SERIOUS?  1st off the Christian plan of salvation has more to do with the death, burial, and resurection of Jesus Christ than it does with the wisdom that Jesus was talking about here.  

    Secondly, you can't parallel this quote to a man feeling hungry.  Because being hungry isn't sin.  But, doing what is illegal or immoral to fulfill your hunger is sin.  To have a sexual thought is not sin.  But lusting after your neighbors wife mentally where you exalt the and condone the behaviour as acceptable is sin.  

  10. It's very convenient to then go to the next level and say -- you are sinful and the only way to remove sin is to love Jesus. He will save you. Heehah.

  11. Because it provides a healthy outlet for those :"biological urges" - marriage.  "Better to marry than to burn [with lust]". - Paul

  12. Christianity is one of the greatest detriments to morality in our world.

  13. Well that just sucks!! Looks like I'm going to h**l! :/

    *shrugs shoulders and lusts*

  14. I agree.

    It is even more nonsense because it is all based on an astrological myth.

    Christians claim to reject astrology, but insist on an astrological myth savior for all mankind.  Doesn't make a bit of sense.

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