
How can a Christian love his fellowmen when he can't accept those who say they're g*y?

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I'm Catholic by the way and I believe that g*y marriage is wrong.

It's just that, God told us to love our fellowmen...

But how can you love your fellowmen if you can't accept who they are?





  1. What's wrong with g**s getting married?

    I say, they can get married and divorced and married again for all I care.

    g*y people have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of us.

  2. Thats hard.

    Well, you don't have to 'accept' HOW they are.

    You can accept WHO they are.

    I think there is a difference.

    Love them as the person they are, not how they are if that makes sence =)

  3. You said fellow men right, no fellow g*y man, lol

    christians are not allowed to associate with homosexuality since all 2 faiths teach that in the bible, a whole population was seized for doing this  as a sin.

    Homo sexuality is a choice not a  birth defect, it usually can be traced back to abuse in childhood, molestation etc.

    Homo sexuals can not procreate., although they are human beings, and in judaism allot of jews are g*y, people of faith do not accept it .

  4. straight up...the same way I couldn't accept someone I truly cared for becoming an alcoholic

  5. It is possible to love the sinner while hating and not justifying the sin. Jesus Christ did it all the time. He often ate and sat with sinners and tax collectors, but He never condoned their actions or justified them. His example and His purity witnessed the truth to all. Jesus Christ would never condone a sinful lifestyle. The sin He hated the most was hypocrisy, and the Pharisees often felt the sting of His rebukes for this sin. Jesus Christ, as the eternal Son of God, gave the laws to Moses. How could He then condone or justify sin of any kind? If you think that Jesus Christ would approve of, or ignore, homosexual marriages and g*y Pride parades, you are sadly mistaken.

  6. Funny , today I received a hate mail from a Christian :

    "  Subject: GO l**k YOUR GIRLS STINKY ***

    Message: BEEEEEOTCH!  "

    I like your Christ but I do not like you Christians/Catholics  

  7. Acceptance and Love are not the same thing and they're not mutually exclusive.

    You can love someone even if you don't accept their lifestyle choices.

    I don't smoke and I think it's bad.  I have family who smoke, but I still love them, even though I don't accept that particular lifestyle choice.  Admittedly homosexuality is a bigger issue for most people than health choices, but I think the analogy still holds.

  8. i am a christian. i accept those who are g*y. to me, if being g*y is a sin, well... jesus already died for that sin, so who am I to judge? Who am I to judge period?  

  9. To like it or not christians are obliged to love one another because of the blood which was lost for us on the Calvary.We do not hate g**s,but we hate homosexuality and we want to bring them to Jesus.We hate their denial.Lot told those g**s not to act wickedly and he even wanted to give them his daughters.Then Lord rained down sulphur and fire in sodom and gomorrah.  

  10. Jesus told  us love  even those  who hurt us  we can love them  with out  loving what they do.   God loves you even when you do wrong and hurt  him  its the same principle.  if you are catholic  you should  be able  to understand  forgiveness.

  11. We love because it's our nature to. In all honesty I cannot be mean to someone because of their lifestyle. I am friends with g*y people. I accept them and love them the same as everyone else. And, especially when it's family, how can you not love them?  

  12. Get a Concordance with a Greek dictionary and look up the word love in teh context it is used.  Greek has many words for different types of love, English has only one.

    Do you love your dog?  

    Do you love chocolate?  

    Do you love your brother?  

    Do you love your parents?  

    Do you love your spouse?

    Do you love your best friend?

    Do you have sexual attraction for some one?

    Greek has a word for each of these types of love, and they each mean a different thing.

    For example:

    "Agape" is the type of love God refers to, it means compassion and concern for the well-being of others without regards to how that other person acts, looks, thinks, behaves, etc.  It is an unconditional love.

    "Phileo" is brotherly love, the type of love you feel for a friend - it is a kinship.

    "eros" is the type of love felt by sexual attraction, it is where we get the word erotic and is directly related to the English word lust.

    Hopefully this clears things up a bit.  During translation, all these Greek variations only translate to the one English word.

  13. There are several different definitions for the word love in many scriptures. They are; Phileo = Brotherly Love Agape = The Love of God  Eros = The love between a man and a woman.

    I think there are two more but I don't remember right now. Anyway you can love a person with a spiritual love (Agape) and not concern yourself with the flesh. I used to be Catholic myself. Let the Love of God do It's job for it's the Love of God that leadeth to Repentance.

  14. I didn't realize they had this problem...

  15. that's a good question. Actually I was thinking the same thing. Anything in the bible can be subject to interpretation. I interpret the "love your fellowmen" part, as to not judge somebody because they are of a different race or culture. For example, you cannot hate someone because they are jewish, black, or that they have traditions or superstitions you don't agree with.

    Obviously with being g*y it's different b/c it is something that the Bible and the Quran condems as being wrong. So you don't have to love them, just stay away from them.

  16. As Christians we are taught that it is not our place to judge others. We can have opinions, but not judgments. That is a fine line, and difficult for most to walk.

  17. like a republican:  anonymously in a public restroom.

  18. On the marriage thing - I hope you'll reconsider that opinion as well.

    Historically speaking, marriage is a State contract, it was Pagan before it was Christian...

    So Christians don't really have any historical right to claim marriage as their own and therefore not make laws or rules regarding its sanctity.

    But yes - people should accept others for their gender, sexual orientation and such...

  19. That's your situation of tolerance to sort out.  We can't fix it for you.

  20. It's normal that Christians are perceived to not accept g**s because we do not accept g*y marriage. A lot of people have it wrong when they say Christians do not accept g**s. Although there are those people who condemn them, I don't think you can give them the title of a Christian.

  21. These religious questions are joke! There is no right answer! its your opinion vs mine.... Just sleep on it

  22. simple.. love the sinner hate their sin...

    i have friends and ex-co-workers that r g*y, however, we hung out and partied, then == then the Lord got hold of me and opened my eyes and changed me..  Now I walk in newness if life and tell how Christ Jesus changed me and opened my understanding 2 His word.

    And now, i choose not to hang out but I do talk and say "hi"  

  23. I am a Christian and my wife invited a g*y man to live in our home.  He was out of a job and homeless and was a friend of my wife.  I think the man is a good person and I do not mind having the guy live with us until he can get established again.  I despise his choice of lifestyle and he understands this.  His homosexuality is never a topic between me and him.  I don't understand how you can say Christians do not love g*y people.  You must be talking about the fakes.

  24. True followers of Christ should love all their fellow beings irrespective of anything. It does not mean, they should "agree and accept" whatever others do. They can not agree to and accept anything that is against the will of God. By doing this, they are not opposing the person who does it, but his act or attitude. Christians help and love others without any prejudices. They don't check whether the person is g*y or pagan or a murderer when they find a person who deserves sympathy or help; but it does never mean they can accept his identity as it is. They can accept only such identities, which are conforming to the will of God.

  25. first off, not all Christians don't accept it.

    I personally, am one that does accept it. I may not agree with it or think that it is right, but I accept them for who they are. It is just like when I accept my Muslim friends for being Muslims and an atheist for being atheists.

    To few people are actually open to embracing people. And know this, it is not just Christians who can be unacceptable, it is atheists and everyone else too.

    The stereotyping the Christians are the only ones who ever may not agree with someone or not accept someone is getting old and out of hand.

  26. My orientation is to have as many wives as possible but I do not expect people to accept me following that abomination before God. Loving people does not mean you support them following abomination.  

  27. exactly. accept them. I am Christian, and my church performs ceremonies for them. There is no reason to disown a person, didn't they do that to jesus? and to Slaves?

  28. First of all you are confusing two important concepts.  These are marriage and human sexuality.

    You state "the idea of marriage and it's original purpose -- to procreate."

    This not only is not true it CAN NOT be true.  If all marriage is for is procreation, why even the animals are married!

    Marriage is so much MORE than to allow two people use their human sexuality to "procreate."

    Indeed many couples CAN NOT procreate but they are nonetheless married!  Thus it is quite obvious marriage is MORE than for procreation.  And in fact does not even need to have procreation as a possibility.

    In Casti Connubii, written by Pope Pius XI in 1930, he stated:  "This mutual inward molding of husband and wife, this determined effort to perfect each other, can in a very real sense. . .be said to be the chief reason and purpose of matrimony, provided matrimony be looked at not in the restricted sense as instituted for the proper conception and education of the child, but more widely as the blending of life as a whole and the mutual interchange and sharing thereof."

    Many years later Pope John Paul wrote: "The existence of the institution of marriage acknowledges the importance of love for the happiness of human beings, the importance of the lifetime unconditional love that marriage facilitates. Humans flourish when they bask in the love of others. Love nourishes human goodness like no other force. For instance, love assists us in feeling secure in ourselves; it gives us the confidence to dare to exercise our talents; it gives us the assurance to reach out to others in love. Love also serves to heal past wounds. Love in almost any form can promote these and other great benefits to mankind, but marital love provides special benefits. Human beings are complicated and are not easily known by themselves or others; a lifetime relationship with another seems hardly time enough to get to know another. Sexual intimacy plays a major role in the revealing of one person to another. Sexual intimacy provides an opportunity for giving oneself to another in an exclusive way. Only in marriage can sexual intimacy achieve the goals it is meant to serve."

    However, ONLY with a person of the SAME s*x will an exclusive homosexual be able to have this sexual intimacy, this giving of his person to another, this committment, and the engendering of true love.

    Many have for so long so distorted and even perverted the concept of true love in religion, that evil is sometimes construed as good, intolerance as virtue, and ignorance as acceptable dogma.  

    To the extent that a person -- or a Church -- fails to allow the g*y individual to form stable loving relationships with each other, they fail to understand the very principles inherent in the Christian ethic -- notably the transcendence of love in our lives.  Worse, to that extent they do not completely understand what love is.

    There is nothing immoral in a marriage between two same s*x individuals.  Only it not permitting them to get married.

  29. Sorry to burst your bubble. They can not really seem to love g*y people as they follow a restrictive book with a distorted view on sin.

    Luckily you are not in a position to judge or make any decisions base on your dogmatic views

  30. There is a difference between loving someone, and creating a culture which promotes sin.

  31. There is a defined answer in the bible.  Also you r fellow man is Godly men not men who choose worldly ways. Brothers in Christ.  God hates sin, and its not the man but the sin that makes it unacceptable.

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