
How can a Presidential candidate be so dense as to not know how many United States there are?

by Guest65552  |  earlier

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Way to go Obama!




  1. wow this again ..really?! this is 4 months old. whereve you been?

    honestly what is worse. Making a mistatement about how many states youve campaigned in or Really NOT KNOWING HOW MANY HOUSES YOU OWN.. way to go McCain!

  2. This is old news, but as far as I know, there is only 1 United States....

  3. Obama just had a slip of the tongue.  He said 58 when he meant 48.  That kind of thing has happened to a lot of people.  

    Remember when Bush was asked why he invaded Iraq?  He said that God told him to do it.  

  4. Almost as dense as a presidential candidate who doesn't know how many houses he has.

  5. how many united states there are?


    that makes sense

    green party ftw!!

  6. I dont know

    But im voting Mcain all the way baby

  7. who cares?  we all make mistakes.  this is just another way to avoid discussing the real issues.

  8. how can a presidential candidate not know how many houses he even owns? way to go McCain! im sure he'll do a good job representing the middle class!

  9. His puppet master told him their was 57 states Give the guy a break,He is not responsible for what he repeats,He also thinks its ok to kill babies.  

  10. Give McCain a break on this, there were only 45 states back in the 1890s when he was growing up.  Old habits are hard to break.

    Besides, why didn't McCain remember Cindy's two sisters?

  11. Hes a product of the liberal education system.  

  12. Not all of the states ARE united in the USA ask any Senator

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