
How can a US Citizen be ran out of his country by a illegal

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This story is so similar to mine, it make the hair stand on my neck.

Dear Sir,

I am hoping that you can help me by publicizing my story. Several people have suggested that I get this information in the mainstream news so that America will wake up and see what damage illegal immigrants are doing to our country. I am convinced that we have become a nation of fools, and that foreign-born people know this and use this knowledge to rip us off daily – both as a nation and as individuals. Our legislature appears to be broken, so I am hoping that the power of the press in responsible hands such as yours will heroically turn this country around – at least regarding the scam I am about to illuminate.

My story is about my wife, who has used immigration law, family law, and the Violence Against Women’s Act to destroy my career and all that I have spent 40 years working for. This scam happens to an estimated 15,000 American men each year, and our government and the courts are doing nothing to stop it, thereby throwing us men to the wolves and our US-born children into the garbage. Foreign women know it (check the internet for similar stories), and use us every chance they get.

Please read on:

I married my wife in January of 2001. Shortly before our marriage ceremony, she divulged to me that she was an illegal alien. This came as a surprise to me since she had been working in the US for the past 13 years. Although this news was disappointing, I went through with the marriage since I would be able to sponsor a green card for her as her husband. At the time, I lived in ABC and she lived in XYZ. Since she had a 16-year-old son finishing up high school in XYZ, I agreed to wait 18 months for my wife to move up to ABC to live with me.

Six months after our marriage, my wife was pregnant (I had her travel with me quite often). During and after the pregnancy, my wife regularly threatened to abduct our child if I didn’t agree with her on any decisions regarding our family. Additionally, she began to indicate that she wouldn’t move to ABC with me as she had promised. During this time, I also learned that her son in high school had been abducted from his father in 1989, and had not seen his father since that time. I knew then that my wife’s threats were serious.

Sure enough, three weeks before she was to move to ABC, she stormed out of our house in XYZ during a disagreement. Her last words were: “I have my baby – I don’t need you anymore!” At the time, my daughter was three months young. I immediately filed for divorce, putting a temporary restraining order on my wife to prevent her from removing my child from the X County, XYZ.

My wife continued to blackmail me with the child, indicating that I would not see my child again if I withdrew her green card application. I called her bluff and withdrew the application, trusting the INS to enforce the law.

The INS did nothing, despite hundreds of phone calls and dozens of letters that I sent. I finally contacted my Congressman and Senator to get the INS to investigate my wife and her background (more on this in a minute…). My wife is now in removal hearings, and I have collected three inches of evidence I have on her regarding the fact that she:

1) has what appears to be a phony Social Security Number

2) has used falsified documents to get employment and go to college

3) has collected unemployment benefits from the X Workforce Commission

4) has held a X driver’s license for the past six years

5) deliberately overstayed her visa

6) has harbored about a dozen other illegals in various houses

7) has apparently never filed a federal income tax return

8) has attempted in her second marriage to coerce her husband to get her a green card (fortunately for him, he didn’t get her pregnant)

9) lives in a 2500 square foot house with at least ten other people (mostly illegals), where there are bunk beds in almost every room, including the dining room

10) worked in a law firm for seven years where she learned how to use loopholes in immigration law and family law to extort, blackmail, and then destroy her US-born husband’s lives and careers if she didn’t get her way.

11) Is using her US-born daughter to get the INS to give her a green card, and to force very extensive child support payments from me ($1200 per month tax free, and my daughter is wearing hand-me-downs from my wife’s nieces!).

Despite all this, I cannot submit a single page of my evidence to the INS. Why? Because my wife has now filed a petition to get a green card based on a false allegation that I had abused her while we were married. The Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA) assumes that I am guilty until I can prove myself innocent. Of course, there are no police or medical records indicating that I ever laid a hand on my wife, simply because I never did! Nevertheless, the VAWA laws now prohibit me from:

1) being in the courtroom when my wife is tried by the INS

2) finding out what her claim is as to why she can stay in the US

3) finding out anything about her case with the INS

4) finding out what claim she filed against me regarding spousal abuse

5) acting as a witness against her in the INS court

6) submitting any evidence to the INS court

7) defending myself against any claim she has made about me

The evidence that my wife can submit for this claim appears to be as flimsy as getting one of her sisters to write a note saying that I used to beat her up all the time! Her immigration attorney, by the way, was provided to my wife for free by the Catholic Charities Organization – a group to whom I donated $1000 to this year. My wife, by the way is no charity case. When I last checked, she had over $27,000 in the bank. I have no idea how she acquired that kind of money.

So here’s my wife’s situation: after contributing nothing to this country, and after lying to the federal government about leaving our borders in a timely fashion, and after abducting a child from a man who loved his son, and after destroying two American men with divorces and blackmail, and after lying to employers, schools, the X Workforce Commission, the X Division of Motor Vehicles, and after abducting a second child (US-born) to extort money and actions out of me, and after paying no taxes, she gets to live with her illegal ‘family’ (its actually more like a gang) with me making her "family’s" house payments, and providing her and her son with all the utilities and food they need, possibly for the next 18 years! By the way: my wife feels so comfortable about America now, that she’s decided not to work anymore. Instead, she’s enrolled as a full-time student at X College, where illegals are encouraged to apply. She and her illegal son have had it made ever since I signed up to be a sperm donor and a wallet!

My wife has learned that this is the land of opportunity, and is apparently spreading the word. Her sister is now trying to get her US husband to buy her a house before she will divorce him (I’ve never seen him or any of the original husbands that belonged to three of my wife’s sisters – only the children are ‘left behind’). I am sure that they are all high-fiving each other saying, “You got de money, you got de baby, and you don’ got to pay nobody nothin’, and that stupid fool can’t do nothing to you cause deze Americans are so-o-o-o stupid! Yeah! You de girl!” (Yes – I’ve heard them talk this way many times!) Meanwhile, my daughter sits in a filthy corner of the house, unaware that she is being robbed of her birthright as a US citizen, and is in danger at any time of being smuggled to a third-world country or to some ghetto in the US to live a fugitive life with my sociopathic wife.

Thank you for reading my story this far. There are even more details of this story that I left out to try to keep things brief. I am sending this story out to as many journalists as I can find so that we can turn this into a publishable story that will allow other men and women in my situation to band together in a unified voice to congress to help us, and hopefully to save other people from this awful fate. Also, together we might be able to figure out some solutions for each other.

I hurt very badly from this situation, and for the first time in my life, hate to wake up in the morning. I guess my mistake was to actually believe that I would succeed in this American society by working my tail off in engineering school and building a solid life so that I could be raped by some lowlife alien and the US courts.

Thank you for your help with this.







  1. You should all take this to Dr. Phil who would love to debate this........Sounds interesting..

    She sounds Oriental they come here fully orientated on how to get rich fast and also many Russian woman learn how to marry a rich man and on how to get rich quick.. That is what I have heard.

    Many times a stupid man deserves this for looking for younger woman then they pay the price of stupidity.

  2. It's stories like this that make my blood boil and illegal supporters say "they are not hurting anybody"..I guess that little girl is a nobody. .. America is now a country of caring more about the rights of criminals than they do about the victims. I do understand this law to an extent but I know another illegal I met last year who used that excuse to justify getting what she wanted. She  has $27,000 in the bank and she all this free stuff (including a college education).. That's where supporters of illegals are not getting it. Most of those illegals have more money in the bank than 10 of us Americans put together..

    It sounds like she achieved her better stealing everything from  her husband the girl is the one who will suffer in all of this.

  3. sounds like the typical vindictive American woman, with the illegal twist, to me!  Most of us have been drug down a difficult road by a woman before and know this pain.  I feel for the guy, so I guess the rule of thumb for this one is.... dont marry an illegal, dont import your wife and pay attention to what the heck you are doing!

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