
How can a black hole have mass if it's a hole?

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How can a black hole have mass if it's a hole?




  1. peux pas te répondre mais je te fais un smack quand même!

  2. Hey, you may be on to something there!

    So, when those guys at CERN start making mini-black holes in a few years, we don't need to worry about them plunging into the center of the Earth like a glowing gopher and eating us from the inside out... we can use them like Acme Holes!

    "I read the news today oh, boy

    Four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire

    And though the holes were rather small

    They had to count them all

    Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall?

    I'd love to turn you on"

  3. A black hole is not a hole in the sense that it is empty inside.  A black hole is a dead star that had collapsed onto itself, forming a very dense ball with enough mass and gravity to prevent light from escaping it, hence making it appear as if it is a black hole in the universe.

  4. technically it is not a hole it is the compresion of masse ( collapsed star is the most common perhaps only example) to the point where its gravitational force pluss all that plasses into it oand compresses it incredibly giving the aperanse of said object dissapearing it also has such a strong pull that it can pull in even light an alllll most masseles thing

  5. I don´t speak


  6. It's only a hole as far as light is concerned.

  7. Black 'hole' is a misnomer..   They are neither black or a hole.   Black holes have mass because they can be shown to attract other masses according to the square of the distance rule of attractions (gravity)..... that's what we call mass.   "black"  is their appearance,  since no energy is emitted and all energy which impinges on them is absorbed.... which is the characteristic of 'black' objects.

  8. A black hole is not a hole at all.

    A b;ack hole is  a simgularity. It is place where matter is so dense that nothing can escape that pull of gravity after passing the event horizon. Now even lights in the visible spectrum can escape.

    If memory serves; the only thing that can escape a black hole is X-rays.

    Since light can not escape from a black hole; there appears to be a hole in certain parts of the universe.

    There are two ideas to explain black holes.

    1. a black hole is a collapsed star.

    2. a vlack hole is the tntry point into another universe. or another point inside the universe.

    No one has been able to study a balck hole, and there is no way of knowing.

    Furthernire; humanity is still confused whether light is a particle or a wave function.

  9. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas And The 'geodesics' that originate inside the event horizon stay inside the event horizon.


    It is called a hole,not for the reason we normally assign to our definition of a hole.

    A black hole can trap light but the light still always travels at constant velocity .

    It curves spacetime back on itself, so that all paths in the interior of the black hole lead back to the singularity at the center, no matter which direction you go

    The "singularity" is a mathematical point at the centre of a given mass (the mass of the black hole) but with zero volume.

    The more massive the black hole, the same zero-volume singularity, but the larger the event horizon for the black hole (the distance from the singularity where the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light).

    In the same respect, the Earth is a hole since when traveling on its surface, we cannot escape it. We travel around the spere until we come back to the starting point, but if we add a dimension, then it is not a hole and we lift off of the surface.

    The same is for the black hole, if you add a dimension, light will lift off and it will not be a hole.

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