
How can a canadian find good job/accommodation in france?

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Has anyone done this? what are some good companies to work for if you are planning on a working vacation?




  1. Don't listen to that guy above.

    Accommodatio will be no bother. Its the job side that will give you problems. France arevery hot on foreigners right now. You won't just get a job handed to you like you would anywhere else. Unfortunately you need contacts toget the best jobs. Which is doesn'tsound like you have.

    I wouldn't build your hopes up =[

  2. The best chance to get a job in France is to use your strenght : english !

    I don't know what are your other strenght, you should also use it to define what kind of job you can fit to.

    Then, you have to get in touch with companies, firms, shops to apply for the job.

    You can also be a teacher for young students, thera are many firms working in this market.

    Some good companies : Dassault, LVMH group, interim jobs (Adecco, Manpower..), etc

    I've added some usefull links for administrative aspect (work permits), some links with students site...

    Don't be pessimistic, It will be hard, but the force is with you  :-)))

  3. The question is why would you want to find a job/accomodation in France. I'm Canadian and one of the last places I'd want to work is in France. Too high taxes, ignorant people, too expensive.

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