
How can a comment/compliment be offensive/pleasing if one is not responsible for his/her looks?

by Guest61754  |  earlier

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How can a comment/compliment be offensive/pleasing if one is not responsible for his/her looks?

we are taught not to comment on another person's looks,if they are not very good looking.because they may be the same time,how can we be pleased if someone says something good about the way we look?if we are not responsible for our looks then how can we feel sad or happy about it?how can another person comment about something that we have not asked for.

this question has been there in my head for long.

PS:- please star the question if you find it interesting!=D




  1. You are correct in that we have no control over our looks.  God made some pretty and handsome and others not so pretty and handsome.

    What we do have control over is cleanliness, well groomed, weight, do we wear the correct colors for our skin tone and hair color, and do the clothes we ware fit nicely and the style is good for us.

    If someone is wareing a color of clothing that looks very nice with their complection, I do comment that I like that color on them.

    I do not compliment looks because as you and I both said, we have no control over that.  I do tell my 5 year old granddaughter how pretty she is, she is adorable, but I also tell her that if she is not pretty on the inside then she won't be pretty on the outside.  I have found this to be true in my own experience.  I will think someone is pretty but after I get to know them, they are not so pretty any more because of their attitude.  It also works the other way, I might think that someone is not very pretty but after I get to know them and see what kind of person they are on the inside, they become beautiful on the outside.

    I think compliments are nice for the one doing the compliment and the one receiving it.  It doesn't have to be our looks.  Some people are very good cooks and some people can't cook at all.  Some people have a knack for decorating and others don't.  

    If you can compliment someone on their cooking, decorating etc., which God gave them the talent to do plus they worked at it,  why can't we compliment them on their hair style, the color clothing they are wearing, because they worked on finding out their best color and hair style?

    When someone does a good job, we tell them so.  You played a great game!  I enjoyed your sermon, that flower arrangement is beautiful etc.  Compliments are nice if they are well deserved.

    That is why I am giving you a star!!          

  2. We are responsible to a certain extent for our looks, i.e. how we dress, the way our hair is cut, if a person works out and is therefore fit, taking care of your skin...

    A lot of people want to be good looking, so when someone compliments their looks it makes them happy.

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