
How can a cop give a ticket to a homeless man?

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I gave a bike to a homeless man in our neighborhood. A cop gave stopped him while he was riding it and gave him a ticket. He has no home, no money, no driver's license and no car or car registration to take away. What can happen if he just doesn't pay the ticket? What can they do to him?




  1. They can lock him up, thats horrible, but at least in jail he will have food a shower and a bed, its better than what he has now but I guess its only for a few days, yet.. they can damage his records.  

  2. they can put him in prison. a homeless man doesn't have a home, doesn't mean he can't get a job. plus being in jail when your homeless isn't so bad

  3. nothing, and the cop who wrote it will look a little silly, homeless is now considered a mental illness more than a hardship, on the other hand, since you gave the guy the bike to ride, maybe you should pay the ticket, sorry, just kidding.

  4. They can lock him up if they find him

    Incidentally, what was the ticket for?

  5. How can a cop give a homeless guy a ticket? The same as he would give anyone a ticket. What you might be suggesting sounds great on the surface, but then we go frolicking down that slippery slope..How can a cop give someone who makes under 15K a year a illegal immigrant a ticket, a white man a ticket, a black man a ticket, a guy in a wheel chair...Do you really want cops sizing people up before deciding to issue a ticket? I thought we were trying to get away from that..  

  6. Why did they give him a ticket?? Chances are likely that nothing will happen. The cops have bigger and better things to do than go after a homeless guy who hasn't paid some ridiculous ticket. I'm not sure why the cop gave him a ticket, but wow, what a total D-BAG!!!!

  7. he could have gotten the ticket for riding on the wrong side of the road

    he can still go to court to fight the ticket

  8. Cops are scum.  Im just glad the cop didnt taser him.

  9. When he gets stopped again he goes to jail.

  10. Put him up for a while. Three hots and a cot, not a bad deal in the winter time.

  11. How can he give him a ticket for riding a bike?

    All they can do is put him in jail if he  cant pay for it,unless it was not given for a good reason.

    PS.your image looks like Billy Ray Cyrus

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