
How can a country built on killing Indians, stealing land and enslaving Africans crow about liberty & freedom?

by Guest10897  |  earlier

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How can a country built on killing Indians, stealing land and enslaving Africans crow about liberty & freedom?




  1. The same way yours can.  

    It's fun being a hypocritcal bigot, isn't it?

    It would be more fun if you came up with your own material instead of repeating every talking point that the British use to demonize Americans.

    Hey Spuddy, how 'bout them Aboriginals?

    No, Abhay K, I don't give a dam*.  Why would care about people who go around hatemongering on whole nations? The whole world has a problem with what we're doing in the MidEast   Well, you can add hypocrisy to bigotry and hatemongering.  They are there also.  Bunch of sad, hateful nonAmericans.

  2. Wish I could give you 10 too.

    Read on:

    I can understand how it hurts the modern day American. Not everyone of them is responsible. Infact a lot of them are very kind and generous. But I am not sure whats controlling the behaviour of the country as a whole. I am quite optimistic that its not the majority. I guess its rather the policy laid down by a counted crafty few and a legacy maintained by those in the beaurocracy.

    A look at the behaviour as such:

    If those things were things of the past then how about what they are doing in the Gulf region. Messing up with their internal feuds and making it messier. And btw who chose to create Israel at the place of constant trouble. All that a cover up for stealing oil. Isn't that evident enough even now? Cmon. Threatening Iran and creating strategies to force some kind of offensive on some other countries(like Venezuella) that produce oil. Countries fight and there are internal issue but US intervenes only where its interests lie. Why didn't they get into Burma ( either they had nothing to get from there or they know what people similar to Vietnamese are capable of). What about things that China is doing in Tibet. Cause you dont know, let me tell you that its a worse violation of human rights than it was in Iraq. Does USA want to take this up with China. I guess not it dares to. Reason , again they gain nothing from that and rather would get a pasting if they mess with that country.

    People of the country need to take real steps to improve their outlook to the rest of the world. Its not just Asias. Europeons make more fun of you than anyone else.

    Quoting exmples of civil unrest in other countries doesn't give you a right to justify what happened in your country.

    No people, rest of the world doesn't hold you in high respect. (If you do give a d**n about it).

  3. S>H>I>T happens man it is in the past and come on  holding grudges on a country is dumb every one had slaves at one point or another and Britain also killed Indians and Spain also so it is just not America...please learn to grow up and get your facts straight.

  4. They can because what they mean is free to white southerners who where cowboy hats. They want freedom but for "the right people".

  5. I dont understand the whole freedom but Africans had to be slaves.

  6. I didn't kill American Natives, I didn't steal land, I didn't enslave Africans.  I was born on this soil just like any Native.

    "Don't blame the wine for sour grapes."

  7. get real

  8. ha, didn't think about that till i read this question, but I would sure as h**l like to know... i'll be back to check out answers from others.

  9. good question! ! !

    10 points just for asking that!

  10. The same way England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, Portugal, Egypt, Sudan, Congo, Ruwandi, Burandi, Nigeria, Kenya and Chad did.  And today, you have Zimbabwe doing the same thing.  Remember, it was black Africans who sold slaves to the European powers, and all those countries still crow about liberty and freedom.  Try reading your geography and history books and learn a little.

  11. You're so ******* typical.

  12. Most Indians were killed by plague and UK economic policy.

    Land was considered sacred by natives and not owned.

    Africans were enslaved by other tribes and sold to traders.

    There is no liberty with the thug class system.

    There is no freedom without privacy.

    Anger for the sake of ignorance is no excuse.

  13. USA - pwned!

  14. Just like every other country is perfect. Just so you know:

    Slavery was approved by the African leaders; they were greedy and wanted currency. They captured them and sold them to other countries than the US. (England, Russia, India, the Ottoman Empire, and a lot of other Asian and European countries.) We weren't the only country to kill Indians, either. I'm not saying that it makes it okay, I'm just saying check the records before you get into other people's affairs.

  15. Jackass.

  16. Tell ya what, bud...  you tell me of a country or culture surviving today that has NEVER stepped on or misused another?   Or 'stolen' land?  There isn't one.  Humans are strong & intelligent because of Darwinism; there are hundreds of cultures that have been wiped off the face of the earth because they couldn't hang.  How many times has England been sacked over the millennia?

    Most of them were not snuffed at the hands of 'white people'.  Even certain Native American tribes were quite famous for their massacres of one another.

    Society has evolved to the point where we do not (officially) do this anymore, even though there are several cultures where slavery is STILL the norm.  (And here's a fun fact.. most of then enslavers are native Africans enslaving one another!) At one time in human history, it simply was.  Regrettable?  Yes, but it happened.  Get over it & go from here.

    I love crowing about liberty and freedom... maybe someday America will even get it back.

    I have traveled widely in Europe, and from personal observation, Europeans (And Brittons) do not have a problem with Americans, just the rogue government that has run amok in our name.  Rest assured, we true Americans like it even less than you do, and are fighting it with everything we have.  Intervening in the affairs of other nations should NEVER be anywhere on our radar.  

    But no, we don't care what you think.  Just as you should have no cares about what we think about you. (You do have much better beer, though..  I'll give you that in a heartbeat)

  17. I get what you're trying to say, but that was long ago. Times have changed. Yeah, it's sad what happened but it's much better now.

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