
How can a disconnected phone accept incoming calls?

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I moved into a house a few months ago and never had the phone activated, but have a phone attached (in case I need to call 911.) when you try to dial out, you get a message saying the phone isn't in service, however I've received several incoming calls. The last time this happened, I asked the caller what number they dialed. I dialed this number myself (from my cell phone) and it rang. Anyway, I don't get very good cell phone reception in my home. Does anyone know if I would eventually be billed if I gave that number out and used the line for incoming calls?




  1. Telephone lines can be made to block incoming or outgoing calls, as well as being totally disconnected.

    Don't know how it works in the US but in the UK if the line is connected at all (even just for incoming calls) you have to pay line rental.

  2. I dont see where you could be billed for service you never asked for, Use your cell for 911, All Cells currently in use in the US have a GPS identifier for 911 calls. All you'd have to do is dial 911 press send and todd the phone the cops will come EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE A CELL PROVIDER.

  3. the previous person never called to disconnect there line.... the line is only suspended one way... "snipped" or TOV (although i dont really remember what this stands for)

    when your line is suspended most telcos disconnect your outgoing calls, but leave 911 service, and incomming calls.. eventuallay this line will be cut off completely...

    if you try to have a landline installation you may have problems until this line is disconnected... and even then you may have problems, and have to prove that it was not your line, as the previous person has not paid the bill for that line..

  4. More than likely the phone company would cut off any access.  How long it would take would depend upon how long it took the phone company to realize the line was being used.  When I was in college the dorm room phones could be used without calling for access.  Most people could usually get through at least a couple of months if not the entire first sememster before the phone stopped working for them.

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