
How can a girl going into 8th grade; age 13 be more confident & outgoing (:?

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It's my last year of middle school and I really would like to have the best year possible. I'm not extremely shy (I'm not afraid to make a presentation to the class), but I really would like to get to know everyone this year and be friends with everybody.

Any tips on how to be more confident/outgoing?

Or any tips on how to start talking to people I don't know very well?

Thank you♥




  1. my name is carolyn i'm the same age and same grade i used to have problems with just talking to people i didn't know but then i just saying hi to people i didn't know  and turns out it worked out really well because i got tunz more friends hope this advice helps good luck.

  2. dude omg im in the same situation. lol

    just be yourself. thats the best advice anyone can give.

  3. dont worry i was just like you, just quit worrying so much and open up, when people talk try to join in a put your opinons in the conversation

  4. look at people for a bit. notice how they act. dont stare weirdly tho duh lol. if they give you eye contact, that makes an 'in' and you should go talk to them and introduce yourself. have fun!

  5. I was in the same position in grade 8. I just laughed loud, hahaha, people noticed me for my smile. Everyone in my class knows me for being the shy little nerdy girl who doesn't dress or look like a nerd. And guess what? I LOVE IT.    : D I have amazing friends. If you wanna talk to someone, just talk to them. Sit down with them, or do something funny. That's all I do and I've made friends for life from it.

  6. You sound fairly confident already, but making friends is kind of like asking someone out, you have to talk to them, get to know them, and then see if you "click" and if not, there are plenty more fish in the sea. I would start out small... talk to people who are acquaintances in your class, until they become friends, and then others will start to notice how friendly your being, and want to talk to you. Or, you can always just sit next to them at lunch... long as you make yourself noticed.  

  7. well you normally start with hi!


  8. I used to be like that. Just say hey to people passing in the halls. Try to be friends with more talkative people and copy off them. Don't change your personality though!=]=]

  9. smile. be your self

  10. Be your self and dont care what others think if they dont like you for you they not good freinds

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