
How can a girl just loose weight ?

by Guest57645  |  earlier

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Hello guys, my sister is just 12 years old. I am shocked on how my sister just suddenly loose weight ? It actually slowly happened. I never saw her exercise nor diet. Is this part of her puberty ? I'm 14 Year old male and I've been exercising alot and hardly even see any differences .. Its like she has a spell .. Thanks




  1. Well, thats probably about the age she started going through puberty. Usually when girls start puberty or get their periods they sprout up and thin out a lot - lose all their baby fat.

    :) Thats most likely what is going on.  

  2. Because she is probably just hitting puberty, this might be why she suddenly dropped weight. She is still growing and developing. Many young girls do find that their weight changes naturally as they get older.

      My advice would be to keep an eye on her, though. If her weight loss has been quite sudden, then there might be an underlying problem. Don't jump to any conclusions, but just keep an eye out for her. If she carries on to lose weight quickly then you need to make sure that she is eating normally.

  3. It could be your sister is not eating much it is due to how much food you eat in a course of a day, i recommend you eat 2,500 calories a day and your sister 1,500 stay away from pastries,sugars, carbohydrates, eat plenty of proteins, fibered foods, plenty of white lean meat avoid the red meat, plenty of fruits and veggies, not to much starchy foods and plenty of fish eg mackerel sardines, as oily fish has plenty of Omega 3 with will give you plenty of protein and keep your teeth and bones strong.

  4. they stop eating as much and exersize

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