
How can a gms card from Serbia be used here?

by  |  earlier

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This country has its own phone service and when I turn on the phone that I used there, it says "searching for network" and that is all. I tried to put the memory card in my phone, but it does not recognize it. There are phone numbers and sms's that I would like to get from that phone. Does anyone know how I could do that by chance without having to fly back to Serbia? :)




  1. If you bought a locked phone, ie. the phone as part of a package offered by any of the mobile telephony providers in Serbia like MTS, Telenor or VIP - then you won't be able to access your card from any other phone. This phone will only work with the card sold with it. It will not recognize any other card. You should have copied your phone book for contacts and the sms content while still here. But I don't see how you can do it anywhere else although I've heard of some ways to decode/break the lock. I'm not sure if it can be really done or if it will work. Try contacting your Serbian mobile network operator online by sending them an inquiry:


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