
How can a good judge in courts hear only lies and avoid listening to the truth!?

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Is that evil or what. Can he make a just ruling on hearsay alone? What has our justice system come to? God bless all




  1.    People need to remember that court rooms are an adversarial arena. Justice, truth, fair play really doesn't matter that much it's all about who presents the most compelling evidence or case that wins. In some cases who can put out the most money in bribes.

  2. In court it is not truth or lies, it is what is admissible under the rules of the courts.  Lots of truth is not admissible for various reasons.  Yet lots of lies are admissible when they are called testimony.  The judge has to make his decision based only upon what is admissible.  The side with more admissible evidence, even hearsay, wins.  Not just, not fair, but the best system yet.  Still waiting for a better one.

  3. Facts added to common sense usually determine the outcome.

    Having said that, it is my opinion that there is no other place on

    earth where so many lies surface. Leave it to the lawyers to

    twist the truth.


  4. No he cant in law the one who is goign to win is normally the one who has the most factual support! Prove the other person wrong with facts! then they HAVE to belive u  

  5. That one is easy, before he was a good judge he was a snake in the grass lawyer

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