
How can a guy be a really good friend to a girl? Help me please.?

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I talk to this one girl everyday and I see her once in awhile. She lives like 15 miles away from where I live and I've been talking to her since march 2008 (6 months). I want to make our friendship longer. Girls help! Guys too i guess. I think I might have feelings for her too. But she is soooooo pretty and im not the cutest looking boy (im 15) around.




  1. continue,your doing fine

  2. Just get to know her, invite her to outings, be caring, loving, and just let her know she can always count on you. And always make the first move! But don't go too fast, just wait, your time will soon come. Good Luck :)

  3. keep talking to her and maybe hang out with her sometimes. say hi alot, but dont over-do it. and girls like to be told that they're pretty, so tell her. and if you do like it wait maybe until you guys become better friends then ask her out maybe.

  4. Well all a guy does is has to be himself. Some guys are sexiest pigs, who are just dirty. If you don't try to be like one of them everything will fall into place. Just be really nice to her, and treat her like a girl. DON'T BE IMMATURE

  5. well talk to more bring her to the movies (just as friends...for now) and me erally nice and like on christmas or a holiday or her birthday get her something that will make her happy also compliment her to. alsocompiment her.

    hope this helped good luck=)

  6. keep talking to her and be really nice! if she is smart, it will work.

  7. bide your time.... treat her nice, take her out, be there for her and be a really good friend to her. be there for her if she is ever upset! girls love that!! try to find out what she likes in guys. eventually she'll fall in love with you and BINGO

  8. it is a matter of opinion if you are cute or not. we are the hardest critic to our self  so all I could say is she might think your cute and she can think she is not. if you just want to be friends then keep the communications open but if you want more try seeing if she wants to go out. i know you are probably afraid to lose what you have but sometimes you need to take a chance with her. good luck

  9. Just be there for her! thats all anyone can ask for in a friend.

  10. okay so this is what you do.....first of all dont think about how pretty she looks...just talk to her like you would talk to you guy friends just make sure ur a little more gentle...make her laugh buy her things remember her bday and invite her to group get togeathers sooon you will become bff'z and then you make ur next move and if you dont wanna go through all of dat i cant garuntee it but u can just ask out and if she sayz yea..ur a lucky kid

  11. Looks aren't everything man!

    So if you wanna go out with her ask your friend to ask her but very SUBTLY so she doesn't really know whats going on?

    Then if she says ya have him ask if she would ever go out with you. "Hey jw but would you ever go out with (insert name here)?"

    And if she says ya then you can ask her out! I fell for that thing once...

    answer mine!^^

  12. A real friend .....

    is someone who is there for you through all your joys, trials and tribulations....

    happy for you when you succeed, sad for you when you don't.... someone you know you can rely on and lean on when you need them....

    someone who understands your feelings and can empathise or commiserate....

    someone who will stand back to back with you against the world.... someone who encourages and supports you in all things you do....

    someone who doesn't listen to the gossip and backstabbing but knows you for who you really are.....

    If you can tick these boxes then you are a real friend ... and if she's genuine then she may well see a different person in you to the one you see looking in the mirror .... your opinion of yourself is superfcial.... real friendship on both sides goes much, much deeper.... and I think she's a real friend.....if something more than that develops from your friendship - then you will be the person she trusts more than anyone else .... and that's a really good basis and start for a really good relationship - friendship or otherwise.....


  13. Are you wanting to be a "good friend," or more? Sounds like you want more to me. My advice is this: if she just wants to be friends, and you want to keep her in your life, be a friend. Don't hit on her. There's nothing worse than having a guy claim he's my friend, but as soon as he has the chance, he starts hitting on me and making it obvious he isn't really in it for the friendship.

    If she's into you (girls are pretty obvious about it, trust me) then ask her out. Worse case scenario: she says no, and you remain friends as long as you don't act weird about it.  

  14. If she loves u, then ur looks doesn't really matter

  15. What do you being the cutest boy have to do with anything. Man up and make your move. Remember she is spending her time with you too. You might miss out on a Chance for love. So it's your choice, either miss out or man up !!!

  16. umm..ask her out and treat her right???

  17. casually ask her out, nothing formal just a get together at a shared interest venue, like a car show, or electronics exhibit or whatever. sometimes you have to be a thinker to get the one you really want.

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