
How can a hamster live for a long time?

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I just wanted to know :)





  1. mine was four when it died if you think about what a they would eat in the wild then do what i did,, give them lots of love let them exercise and stuff but instead of feeding then hampster food all the time give them fresh fruit and veggies and protein like mushed up wormes and bugs.. its what they eat in the wild so give them meat and things and it should be good to go

  2. Naturally,

    hamsters only live for about a year.

    However I had a hamster live for almost

    two years.

    With proper care and lots of love

    you hamster can be around for awhile


  3. with fresh food and water daily love and care those are the ingredients!

  4. well a normal hamster lives 2-3 years, but with a proper diet love ans care your hamster can live a long time. If he dosen't get in the first place.

  5. if it has a good home

    good care

    the right food


    and the right enviroment

    if everything is good in the hamsteres way it can live for around 18months  - 2 years with males living longer

    longest ever recorded was about 5 years but many long livers don't get recorded

    i read this 'I don't know how old the oldest is, but my son's hamster (teddybear) lived to be just over 4 years old. Harry was a great hamster. He always had hamster vitamins put in his water so maybe this helped him have a long life'

    so hope that helps :)

  6. Hamsters can live up to three years.  Just give your hamster the best possible care.  Give him fresh food and water daily.  Give him wood chews for his teeth because they are continuously growing.  Provide him with a hamster wheel because they love them.  Change the bedding and clean the cage weekly.  The best bedding is carefresh and aspen is fine too.  Most importantly give your hamster lots of love.  Wicca said hamsters live for a year.  That is absolutely not true.  Hamsters can live up to three years.  Mine is already a year and a half old.

  7. mainly how humans live for a long time. plenty of exercise, make sure they have a wheel in their cage and about 20 minutes in a ball at least every other day. a varied and healthy diet including packet mix food and fresh vegetables and plenty of water. plenty of stimulation, toys and handling. regular health checks which you can do yourself daily, visits to vet, make sure teeth are nice and trim. also make sure their environment is clean and secure, clear them out reguarly and make sure you're using the correct materials x*x their average life span is about 2-3 years, but have a hammie who is nearly 5 so i know what i'm doing x*x

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