
How can a hurricane kill 100,000 people?

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in Myanmar? seems like a ridiculously high number.. is the storm surge and flooding the main contributor?




  1. Floods, disease, no food or water

  2. Lack of warning+Inadequate roads and building codes+large diameter field of typhoon strength winds=100k+ dead, unfortunately...

    Those poor people...

  3. Corrupt government.  Rampant destruction of mangrove forests that have historicaly blunted the inpact of storm surges.  Third world economy lacking roads, hospitals amd other services that would help.

  4. well its because its a third world country. the government there isnt as "clean", and they lived right on the coast. the storm surge and flooding will spread disease because of all the dead bodies in the water, and even more will die. its sad, but true:(

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