
How can a man attract sagitarrius woman? ?

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  1. a woman is an individual and must be treated as such

    she has her own thoughts and behaviors and can not be put into some box because of  her birth date.

    get to know her. if you are the right one then she will let you know.

    if not, keep moving.

  2. Buy her a drink.

  3. You cannot attract Sagittarius women to you. They pick you.


  5. Get past the zodiac stuff already.  Be yourself, and if you're  a good guy, you will attract many ladies.

  6. Okay, Here I am a typical Sag lady going to give you some inputs..

    First thing first! you need to be a real man and treat her like a lady.

    Don't be petty, don't sweat small stuff (we ain't), don't be clingy (give her as much freedom as she needs and TRUST her), you can NOT be rude to her (else she gonna whack you up!), oh please don't cry (be INDEPENDENT - show her that you have plenty of life outside her), compliment her (but be true cuz she knows if you lie -so be careful!!), admire and adore her, APPRECIATE her, don't tell her what to do (but ask her nicely and if you want her to do something for you / to commit anything - pls tell her why and make sure you can convince her with your own justification as to why this is done.. bla bla bla  , RESPECT her and care for her (you NEED to SHOW her that you do - shower her with plenty of attention and loves. Don't just keep quiet and expect she Will know (cuz she WON'T if you don't show).

    Last but not least - BE YOURSELF! be direct, fun, sincere (she can spot insincerity instantly!), be gentle to her yet strong emotionally, be honest and always true to your heart.

    Okay.. one more, you have to be smart (jeez! we can't stand dumb guys).

  7. check this site out dude,,,,lol

  8. uhh im saggitarius. i didnt really know that and i dont believe in it.

    it all depends on the girl. i know another girl that is a saggitarius...and we are polar opposites. i just want a chilled out guy that can make me laugh...and she is s*x crazed. its all about the girl dude.

  9. My hair will suck you right in. No pun intended

  10. horoscopes are total BS, dont waste your time.

  11. There are different ways in which you attract her but its not really the sign but how you treat her. just learn how to attract a woman. research online for tips. here is a link.

  12. Hey,, I'm a Sagittarius, and cant do much else but tell you a little about what attracts me in a guy.

    I love my freedom, and hate when people (especially lovers) are too clingy or anything. With a Sag girl, you want to be direct with how you feel about her because we hate any kind of beating around the bush, and show her a lot of attention, especially in the initial stages. You have to be up to her standards, but especially her speed, and she'll want you to be adventurous and love life as much as she does.

    To attract a sag girl, dont try to seem like you want her to know any 'sensitive' side of you, because chances are, she wont care. Be yourself, and be totally aware of who you are, what you want, and what you're going to do to get it. Also, Sag girls are not crazy about s*x, only so if they feel the relationship is going to slow or doesnt have enough fire in it, go along with her, she knows what shes doing, and she knows what she wants.

    Dont make her jealous because she'll interpret it the wrong way, and think you dont like her.

    My advice is, be direct about how you feel about her and dont try to play games with her, she'll love you for it.

    Im chasing after a Cap guy atm, and he's playing all kinds of games with me at the moment, and it's really making me annoyed and turning me offf him a bit.

    good luck mate ;]

  13. i really don think that thise star signs mean anything. just be well groomed, polite. look her in the FACE when you talk to her, give LIGHT,POLITE compliments, DON'T act like u r the sh**, just be nice, tyr to say something funny, but if nothing comes mind, just make small talk.

  14. I am a scorpion and my daughter is a Sagittarius and neither of us like all cap locks.  It drives me crazy.

  15. show her money

  16. Yeah how

  17. By not buying into the thought that someone's zodiac sign is going to factor into his or her personality.

  18. h**l no! I'm Sagittarius woman, with Moon and Rising in the same Sun sign (Sagittarius), but as a Sagittarius woman from my point of view, my answer is no.

  19. dont look at the star sign ,look at the person.

  20. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign characterized by its contagious enthusiasm and zest for life, always in for some fun and laughter. She craves to be liked.

    If you can get the Sagittarius woman laughing while she’s relaxed and comfortable with you – AND admiring your manly confidence – then you create that magical formula to attract Sagittarius.

    You trigger her ATTRACTION and make an atmosphere where she’s willing to act on it.Attract Sagittarius by inviting her for a walk, visiting another city and asking her about her life's philosophy.

    Invite her to an outdoor event.

  21. i agree with zuba!

    to attract a sagg lady, you have to admire her.

    i love to be complimented !

    make her laugh, have a sense or humour.

    ask her about philosophical stuff, she'll have so much to talk about.

    i don't think sagittarius' are crazy about s*x. it depends on the person really.

    sagittarius women are really lovely tho, when you do have a sagg lady by your side, you'll feel good, honestly =D

  22. ok so whats wrong with leo's & stuff????

    the sign doesnt even matter!

  23. strip

  24. be muscly and confident and know how to make LOVE.

  25. well take a chance  

  26. I am a Sagittarius. I am not crazy about s**. I am not crazy about anything other than math,chess and astronomy.I was the leader of the "guys-haters team" back in school days. I am with the same attitude in college also. I will never let a guy get anything more than friendship from me. I am into spiritualism right from my age of 5.I have nothing to do with s**.Not all Sagittarius are the same.

  27. Yes, we are a wittle s*x-craZED, but that only happens if we really, really like the person we are with....i know quite a few sag females like this.....s*x crazed with their bfs and whatnot LOL....

    here's a tip: give her a few swats on her bum ; D

  28. isnt that like half horse half person, u got to go to tijuana for that

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