
How can a man get aid from a woman who is infected by sexual intercourse?

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well during intercourse, its the man p***s which will enter the v****a of the woman. the p***s is only like a sausage penetrating the hole of the female. so what is responsible for the infection. the male can infect her as he will erect his sperm in her v****a. This will in turn goes in her body. but how will the woman affect the male. i know female get wet, but male can wash his p***s afterwards with water. so please give a good explanation of how this is possible?




  1. just a tiny pimple etc could be enough of an opening for virus to bet through.

  2. are you serious, trust me its possible and has and will happen

  3. There is an opening to the p***s, it only takes a small amount to infect you. So during intercourse that small amount that would enter the p***s will cause infection.  

  4. The woman's bodily fluids can enter the tip of the man's p***s, where the skin is thin enough for the virus to pass into the bloodstream.

  5. aids virus is transmitted through s***n vaginal fluid,blood unprotected sexual intercourse,from the mother to the baby in the womb,and by sharing aids infected needles people with aids have had their immune systems  completely destroyed and depleted by the hiv virus and can experience a variety symptom of aids.

  6. You need some serious counselling and you need to start reading.  You are spending too much time on Yahoo Answers!  Go to the library and check out a medical book!

  7. HIV can be contracted on the p***s at the urethral opening.  Although the chances are far less than that of a woman contracting the virus the risk still does exist.

  8. the exchange of bodily fluids. Kissing, blood or s*x is how it is exchanged. The gaps in a latex rubber is 5 microns, the aids virus is 1 micron. So, latex rubbers prolong the spread of aids but, like a russian roulette, it's not will you catch it but, when?

  9. Stick your finger in a glass of red Kool-Aid for a few minutes.  Your finger will turn red.  That is because the red compounds in the Kool-Aid are absorbed into your finger.  Now, wash your finger off.  Doesn't come off does it?  

    The same thing happens with HIV/AIDS (with a different bodypart).  The difference is that the virus is so small that it absorbs much easier than the dye in Kool-Aid.  Also, the skin is thinner down there generally (especially on the head), so it doesn't have as much to go through.  And, a lot of blood is pumped in (and hence out) of the p***s while erect.  This will quickly spread the virus throughout the man.

    The hole at the tip?  Inconsequential.  The hole is pressed closed (generally) and is no more of an entrance than the rest.  Besides, as small as the HIV is, it can move through the holes in a condom as small as they are (I believe another answerer mentioned Russian Roulette).  It can so much easier move through your skin.  Kool-Aid doesn't even go through latex, so the experiment wouldn't work with a condom on your finger.  

    And when it is open, the traffic is flowing the wrong way.  This is probably what is confusing you.  Something traveling up that pathway would be futile, like trying to shove a small rock into a hose while it's turned on.  The water would keep pushing the rock back out.

    - Flobi

  10. A good explanation and details are easy, and very short.

    The infection travels up the urethra at the tip of the p***s, through its mucus mebranes, to the inside, and hence into the bloodstream.

  11. I guess it goes into the head.

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