
How can a man who is stuck in his ways ever find a woman who can deal with it?

by  |  earlier

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Oh, also, I do not want to get married and I don't want kids either......So, any woman out there for me or should I just buy a dog and be done with it?




  1. We ALL have the unique task of finding someone who can deal with us AND still manage to love each other.

    As for divorce, the women waste their time trying to change their men, and the men waste their time trying to change their women....It just won't work.

  2. That's not really that original. I know lots of guys who were like that...until they met their wife.

    I strongly believe that there is someone out there for everyone, you just don't find them until you stop looking. Get a dog for the companionship, but recognize that a dog is not a replacement for love with a woman.

  3. Just by a dog, already.  There is no better b*tch in the world than a good German Shepard.

  4. Maybe, the problem with most women is that they are always trying to change men instead of accepting them for who they are.   That is also why we have a high divorce race.

  5. Yes I do see your problem, you are lacking a lot!

    I understand your need for the Dog. But is that legal where you live?

    Why not consider (think about) a mail Bride. That is via the Post as in 'Post office' not male as in MAN, you understand’

  6. Many people now don't want marriage or kids (I don't want kids). As long as you lay out all your cards at the start and they know that's what you want.

  7. Yeah you can. I don't think you should give up in relationships. You never know maybe you will find someone that you will love.

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