
How can a material like plastic ruler charged positively or negatively?

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This question related to electrostatic topic.




  1. rub it continously to bits of paper

  2. the electrons are pulled off when you rub it on to your sleeve, making the ruler positively charged and your sleeve negatively charged.

  3. When you use a cloth to rub an insulator such as a plastic ruler, electrons are rubbed off one on to the other. If there are too many electrons, the object is negative. If there are too few electrons, the object is Positive.

    When you rub insulators they pick up an electric charge. This only works for insulated objects - conductors let the charge flow to earth. Discharge objects by holding them briefly in a flame. The flame contains ionised particles which will neutralise the charge on the object

  4. The electrons from the atoms move from one object to another making the object charged

    The ruler can then become either posative or negative depending on which way the electrons moved

  5. You can give it a positive charge by 'scratching' the ruler on your head fast and hard (static cling). You can do the same with a balloon. Rub it on your head and you don't need to hang it... you can just lean it agains the wall and it will stay up.

  6. negatively because it is not a conducter of electricity. unlike a paper clip it is a conducter of electricity

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